MARSALA Christophe
Full Professor
Team : LFI
Tel: +33 1 44 27 88 06, Christophe.Marsala (at)
Team : LFI
- Sorbonne Université - LIP6
Boîte courrier 169
Couloir 26-00, Étage 5, Bureau 506
4 place Jussieu
75252 PARIS CEDEX 05
Tel: +33 1 44 27 88 06, Christophe.Marsala (at)
Two PhD students (Supervision / Co-supervision)
- BOUCHOUCHI Nour : Trustworthy large language models with natural language instructions.
- GOLIAKOVA Ekaterina : Evaluation and Assessment of reasoning in large language models and foundation models.
One Postdoc at Sorbonne University (Supervision)
- PONTOIZEAU Thomas : No title.
Seventeen past PhD students (2007 - 2024) at Sorbonne University
- 2024
- DEL CISTIA-GALLIMARD Caroline : Reconnaissance de charges de vol par apprentissage en vue d'augmenter la sécurité des vols et d'améliorer le service de maintenance prédictive.
- JEYASOTHY Adulam : Interprétabilité des modèles en apprentissage automatique.
- 2023
- PANTIN Jérémie : Détection et caractérisation sémantique de données textuelles aberrantes.
- 2022
- JANIAK Vincent : Surveillance de la ventilation pulmonaire régionale pour prédire l'échec de l'extubation.
- 2020
- LAUGEL Thibault : Interprétabilité Locale Post-hoc des modèles de classification «boîtes noires».
- 2019
- GUILLON Arthur : Opérateurs de régularisation pour le subspace clustering flou.
- 2018
- MEUNIER François : Prédiction de phénomènes géologiques pour l'aide à la décision lors de la prise de permis d'exploitation.
- LAGHMARI Khalil : Classification multi-labels graduée : découverte des relations entre les labels, et adaptation à la reconnaissance des odeurs et au contexte big data des systèmes de recommandation.
- YANG Wenlu : Reconnaissance personnalisée des émotions à partir de signaux physiologiques et implémentation embarquée.
- 2017
- LOEFFEL Pierre-Xavier : Algorithmes de machine learning adaptatifs pour flux de données sujets à des changements de concept.
- 2015
- XU Wenyi : Modélisation et exploitation de base de connaissances dans le cadre du web des objets.
- 2013
- DZOGANG Fabon : Représentation et apprentissage à partir de textes pour des informations émotionnelles et pour des informations dynamiques.
- 2012
- COFFI Jean-René : Adaptive complex event processing for critical infrastructure protection.
- 2010
- TRAN Tri Duc : Conception et développement d’un assistant intelligent pour un accompagnement conatif des élèves en difficulté.
- 2008
- DAMEZ-FONTAINE Marc : Apprentissage artificiel pour l’apprentissage humain : de la récolte de traces à la modélisation utilisateur.
- 2007
- DELAVALLADE Thomas : Évaluation des risques de crise, appliquée à la détection des conflits.
- DANG Thanh-Ha : Mesures de discrimination et leurs applications en apprentissage inductif.
One past Postdoc (2022) at Sorbonne University
- 2022
- SAIDI Syrine : No title.
1995-2024 Publications
- D. Dubois, R. Guillaume, Ch. Marsala, A. Rico : “Interpreting Fuzzy Decision Trees with Probability-Possibility Mixtures”, IPMU 2024, Lisbon, Portugal (2024)
- A. Rico, M.‑J. Lesot, Ch. Marsala : “A Maximin Approach to Elicit Gödel Integral in an XAI Context”, Proceedings of the IEEE WCCI 2024 / Fuzz-IEEE 2024, Yokohama, Japan (2024)
- C. Del cistia Gallimard, K. Nikolajevic, F. Beroul, J. Denoulet, B. Granado, Ch. Marsala : “Direct Load Recognition Application to Main Rotor Pitch-Link Load on the H175 Fleet: A New Wavelet Approach”, Vertical Flight Society, MontrĂ©al (QuĂ©bec), Canada (2024)
- J. Pantin, Ch. Marsala : “DĂ©tection d’anomalies textuelles par ensemble d’autoencodeurs robustes”, Revue des Nouvelles Technologies de l'Information, vol. Extraction et Gestion des Connaissances, RNTI-E-40, Dijon, France, pp. 319-326 (2024)
- Ch. Marsala, D. Petturiti : “SĂ©lection d’attributs pour arbres de dĂ©cision flous monotones”, LFA 2023 - Rencontres francophones sur la Logique Floue et ses Applications, LFA, Bourges, France, pp. 117-124, (CĂ©paduès Editions), (ISBN: 9782383950554) (2023)
- A. Jeyasothy, A. Rico, M.‑J. Lesot, Ch. Marsala, Th. Laugel : “IntĂ©gration de connaissances en XAI avec les intĂ©grales de Gödel”, LFA 2023 - RENCONTRES FRANCOPHONES SUR LA LOGIQUE FLOUE ET SES APPLICATIONS, Bourges, France, (CĂ©paduès) (2023)
- Ch. Marsala, D. Petturiti, B. Vantaggi : “Adding Semantics to Fuzzy Similarity Measures through the d-Choquet Integral”, ECSQARU 2023, the 17th European Conference on Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning with Uncertainty, Arras, France (2023)
- C. Del cistia Gallimard, K. Nikolajevic, F. Beroul, J. Denoulet, B. Granado, Ch. Marsala : “Direct Load Recognition to Estimate the Damper Load on the H175 Fleet”, European Rotorcraft Forum, BĂĽckeburg, Germany (2023)
- A. Rico, M.‑J. Lesot, Ch. Marsala : “Norms and Discrete Choquet Integrals Induced by Submodular Fuzzy Measures: a Discussion”, Fuzzy Logic and Technology, and Aggregation Operators, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, (Springer Nature Switzerland) (2023)
- Ch. Marsala, D. Petturiti : “Splitting Rules for Monotone Fuzzy Decision Trees”, Fuzzy Logic and Technology, and Aggregation Operators, vol. 14069, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, pp. 161-173, (Springer Nature Switzerland) (2023)
- A. Jeyasothy, Th. Laugel, M.‑J. Lesot, Ch. Marsala, M. Detyniecki : “A General Framework for Personalising Post Hoc Explanations through User Knowledge Integration”, International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, vol. 160, pp. 108944, (Elsevier) (2023)
- A. Jeyasothy, A. Rico, M.‑J. Lesot, Ch. Marsala, Th. Laugel : “Knowledge Integration in XAI with Gödel Integrals”, International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, Incheon, Korea, Republic of (2023)
- Th. Laugel, A. Jeyasothy, M.‑J. Lesot, Ch. Marsala, M. Detyniecki : “Achieving Diversity in Counterfactual Explanations: a Review and Discussion”, FAccT ’23, vol. 23 (6), Chicago, Il, United States, (ISBN: 979-8-4007-0192-4) (2023)
- A. Jeyasothy, Th. Laugel, M.‑J. Lesot, Ch. Marsala, M. Detyniecki : “IntĂ©gration de connaissances dans les mĂ©thodes d’explications post-hoc”, Rencontres francophones sur la logique floue et ses applications, Toulouse, France (2022)
- V. Janiak, V. Jousselin, G. Tallec, Ch. Marsala, U. Saleem, M. Dres, A. Pinna : “Prediction of the extubation outcome through Electrical Impedance Tomography measurements”, IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems (BIOCAS), Tapei, Taiwan, Province of China (2022)
- F. Badra, M.‑J. Lesot, A. Barakat, Ch. Marsala : “Theoretical and Experimental Study of a Complexity Measure for Analogical Transfer”, International Conference on Case-based Reasoning (ICCBR), vol. 13405, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Nancy, France, pp. 175-189, (Springer) (2022)
- C. Del cistia Gallimard, F. Beroul, J. Denoulet, K. Nikolajevic, A. Pinna, B. Granado, Ch. Marsala : “Harmonic Decomposition to Estimate Periodic Signals using Machine Learning Algorithms: Application to Helicopter Loads”, IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, Padua, Italy (2022)
- Ch. Marsala, B. Bouchon‑Meunier : “Explainable Fuzzy Interpolative Reasoning”, IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, Padova, Italy (2022)
- Ch. Marsala : “Attribute Ranking with Bipolar Information”, Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems (IPMU'2022), Milan, Italy (2022)
- A. Jeyasothy, Th. Laugel, M.‑J. Lesot, Ch. Marsala, M. Detyniecki : “Integrating Prior Knowledge in Post-hoc Explanations”, Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems (IPMU'2022), vol. 1602, Communications in Computer and Information Science, Milan, Italy, pp. 707–719, (Springer) (2022)
- Ch. Marsala, I. Bloch, M.‑J. Lesot, S. Tollari, J.‑N. Vittaut : “Recherches en IA explicable dans l’équipe LFI du LIP6”, Bulletin de l'Association Française pour l'Intelligence Artificielle n°116, pp. 9-13, (AFIA) (2022)
- J. Pantin, Ch. Marsala, M.‑J. Lesot : “Analyse de DonnĂ©es Aberrantes pour le Texte: Taxonomie et Étude ExpĂ©rimentale”, Actes de l'atelier sur la fouille de textes - TextMine'22, Blois, France, pp. 15-26 (2022)
- Ch. Marsala, B. Bouchon‑Meunier : “InterprĂ©tabilitĂ© des approches de raisonnement interpolatif flou”, LFA 2022 - Rencontres francophones sur la Logique Floue et ses Applications, Toulouse, France, (CĂ©paduès) (2022)
- Ch. Marsala : “Building Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets in Machine Learning”, Proceedings of WILF 2021, the 13th International Workshop on Fuzzy Logic and Applications (WILF 2021), vol. 3074, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Vietri sul Mare, Italy, ( (2021)
- Ch. Marsala, B. Bouchon‑Meunier : “Interpretable monotonicities for entropies of intuitionistic fuzzy sets or interval-valued fuzzy sets”, Joint Proceedings of the 19th World Congress of the International Fuzzy Systems Association (IFSA), the 12th Conference of the European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology (EUSFLAT), and the 11th International Summer School on Aggregation Operators (AGOP), Bratislava, Slovakia, pp. 48-54, (Atlantis Press) (2021)
- B. Bouchon‑Meunier, M.‑J. Lesot, Ch. Marsala : “Lotfi A. Zadeh, the visionary in Explainable Artificial Intelligence”, TWMS J. Pure Applied Math, vol. 12 (1), pp. 5-13 (2021)
- M.‑J. Lesot, Ch. Marsala : “Fuzzy Approaches for Soft Computing and Approximate Reasoning: Theories and Applications: Dedicated to Bernadette Bouchon-Meunier”, vol. 394, Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing (2021)
- Ch. Marsala, B. Bouchon‑Meunier : “InterprĂ©tabilitĂ© des entropies d’ensembles flous intuitionnistes ou dĂ©finis par intervalles”, 29e rencontres francophones sur la logique floue et ses applications, Sète, France, pp. 141-147, (CĂ©paduès) (2020)
- B. Bouchon‑Meunier, Ch. Marsala : “Entropy and monotonicity in artificial intelligence”, International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, vol. 124, pp. 111-122, (Elsevier) (2020)
- Ch. Marsala, B. Bouchon‑Meunier : “Polar Representation of Bipolar Information: A Case Study to Compare Intuitionistic Entropies”, 18th International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems (IPMU'2020), vol. 1237, Communications in Computer and Information Science, Lisboa, Portugal, pp. 107-116, (Springer) (2020)
- I. Doboszewski, S. Fossier, Ch. Marsala : “Data Driven Detection of Railway Point Machines Failures”, IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI) - Computational Intelligence in Vehicles and Transportation Systems (CIVTS), Xiamen, China, pp. 1233-1240 (2019)
- D. Machanje, J. Orero, Ch. Marsala : “Distress Recognition from Speech Analysis: A Pairwise Association Rules-Based Approach”, IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI) - Computational Intelligence for Engineering Solutions (CIES), Xiamen, China (2019)
- Ch. Marsala, B. Bouchon‑Meunier : “Entropies et ensembles flous intuitionnistes”, LFA 2019 - Rencontres francophones sur la Logique Floue et ses Applications, Alès, France, pp. 143-148, (CĂ©paduès) (2019)
- Th. Laugel, M.‑J. Lesot, Ch. Marsala, X. Renard, M. Detyniecki : “Unjustified Classification Regions and Counterfactual Explanations In Machine Learning”, Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases. ECML PKDD 2019. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11907, vol. 11907 (II), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, WĂĽrzburg, Germany, pp. 37-54 (2019)
- A. Guillon, M.‑J. Lesot, Ch. Marsala : “A proximal framework for fuzzy subspace clustering”, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, vol. 366, pp. 34-45, (Elsevier) (2019)
- Th. Laugel, M.‑J. Lesot, Ch. Marsala, X. Renard, M. Detyniecki : “The Dangers of Post-hoc Interpretability: Unjustified Counterfactual Explanations”, Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, {IJCAI-19}, Macao, Macao, pp. 2801-2807, (International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence Organization) (2019)
- Th. Laugel, M.‑J. Lesot, Ch. Marsala, M. Detyniecki : “Issues with post-hoc counterfactual explanations: a discussion”, ICML Workshop on Human in the Loop Learning (HILL 2019), Long Beach, United States (2019)
- Ch. Marsala, A. Laurent, M.‑J. Lesot, M. Rifqi, A. Castelltort : “OSACA: DĂ©couverte d’attributs symboliques ordinaux”, 27es Rencontres Francophones sur la Logique Floue et ses Application, Arras, France, pp. 43-50, (CĂ©paduès Editions) (2018)
- A. Guillon, M.‑J. Lesot, Ch. Marsala : “RĂ©gularisation laplacienne pour le subspace clustering”, Rencontres Francophones sur la Logique Floue et ses Applications (LFA), Arras, France, pp. 69-76, (CĂ©paduès Editions) (2018)
- F. Meunier, Ch. Marsala, L. Castanie : “Mining 3D-Structures: Subparts Extraction and Transfer Learning”, IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC'2018), Miyazaki, Japan (2018)
- O. Chuquimia, A. Pinna, Ch. Marsala, X. Dray, B. Granado : “FPGA-based Real Time Embedded Hough Transform Architecture for circles detection”, DASIP 2018 - Conference on Design and Architectures for Signal and Image Processing, Porto, Portugal (2018)
- Ch. Marsala, A. Laurent, M.‑J. Lesot, M. Rifqi, A. Castelltort : “Discovering Ordinal Attributes Through Gradual Patterns, Morphological Filters and Rank Discrimination Measures”, 12th International Conference of Scalable Uncertainty Management, vol. 11142, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Milan, Italy, pp. 152-163, (Springer) (2018)
- X. Renard, Th. Laugel, M.‑J. Lesot, Ch. Marsala, M. Detyniecki : “Detecting Potential Local Adversarial Examples for Human-Interpretable Defense”, Workshop on Recent Advances in Adversarial Learning (Nemesis) of the European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles of Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML-PKDD), Dublin, Ireland (2018)
- Th. Laugel, X. Renard, M.‑J. Lesot, Ch. Marsala, M. Detyniecki : “Defining Locality for Surrogates in Post-hoc Interpretablity”, Workshop on Human Interpretability for Machine Learning (WHI) - International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), Stockholm, Sweden (2018)
- W. YANG, M. Rifqi, Ch. Marsala, A. Pinna : “Physiological-Based Emotion Detection and Recognition in a Video Game Context”, IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), Rio, Brazil, pp. 194-201 (2018)
- D. Machanje, J. Orero, Ch. Marsala : “A 2D-Approach Towards the Detection of Distress Using Fuzzy K-Nearest Neighbor”, Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems. Theory and Foundations. IPMU 2018, vol. 853, Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems. Theory and Foundations, Cadix, Spain, pp. 762-773, (Springer International Publishing) (2018)
- B. Bouchon‑Meunier, Ch. Marsala : “Entropy and Monotonicity”, Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems - IPMU'18, Cadix, Spain (2018)
- I. Doboszewski, S. Fossier, Ch. Marsala : “Extraction de connaissances sur les dĂ©faillances de compteurs d’essieux”, 18eme ConfĂ©rence internationale sur l'extraction et la gestion des connaissances (EGC), vol. RNTI-E-34, 18eme ConfĂ©rence internationale sur l'extraction et la gestion des connaissances (EGC), Paris, France, pp. 311-316 (2018)
- Th. Laugel, M.‑J. Lesot, Ch. Marsala, X. Renard, M. Detyniecki : “Comparison-based Inverse Classification for Interpretability in Machine Learning”, 17th International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems (IPMU 2018), Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems. Theory and Foundations, Cadix, Spain, pp. 100-111, (Springer Verlag) (2018)
- F. Meunier, Ch. Marsala, L. Castanie : “Classification of 3D objects by random extraction of discriminant sub-parts for the study of the sub-soil in oil prospecting”, chapter in Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Management (2018)
- F. Meunier, Ch. Marsala, C. De Runz, L. Castanie : “SĂ©lection d’attributs pour la classification d’objets 3D”, Rencontres Francophones sur la Logique Floue et ses Applications, Amiens, France, pp. 83-90, (CĂ©paduès Editions) (2017)
- kh. Laghmari, Ch. Marsala, M. Ramdani : “An adapted incremental graded multi-label classification model for recommendation systems”, Progress in Artificial Intelligence, (Springer) (2017)
- F. Meunier, Ch. Marsala, L. Castanie : “3DRESC-TF : Apprentissage par transfert pour la rĂ©utilisation de connaissances en classification d’objets 3D”, ConfĂ©rence Nationale sur les Applications Pratiques de l’Intelligence Artificielle, Caen, France (2017)
- Ch. Marsala, M. Rifqi : “Fuzzy Decision Tree and Fuzzy Gradual Decision Tree: Application to Job Satisfaction”, 2017 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE), Napoli, Italy, pp. 1-6, (IEEE) (2017)
- A. Guillon, M.‑J. Lesot, Ch. Marsala : “Laplacian Regularization For Fuzzy Subspace Clustering”, IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FuzzIEEE'17), Napoli, Italy (2017)
- kh. Laghmari, Ch. Marsala, M. Ramdani : “A Distributed Recommender System Based on Graded Multi-label Classification”, International Conference on Networked Systems, vol. 10299, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Marrakech, Morocco, pp. 101-108, (Springer) (2017)
- F. Meunier, Ch. Marsala, L. Castanie, B. Conche : “Classification d’objets 3D par extraction de sous-parties discriminantes pour l’étude du sous-sol en prospection pĂ©trolière”, EGC 2017, vol. RNTI-E-33, Revue des Nouvelles Technologies de l'Information, Grenoble, France, pp. 225-236 (2017)
- kh. Laghmari, Ch. Marsala, M. Ramdani : “Classification multi-labels graduĂ©e: Apprendre les relations entre les labels ou limiter la propagation d’erreur ?”, Actes EGC 2017, Grenoble, France (2017)
- B. Bouchon‑Meunier, Ch. Marsala : “Entropy measures and views of information”, chapter in Granular, Soft and Fuzzy Approaches for Intelligent Systems, vol. 344, Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing, (Springer), (ISBN: 978-3-319-40314-4) (2016)
- P.‑X. Loeffel, V. Lemaire, Ch. Marsala, M. Detyniecki : “Improving the Prediction Cost of Drift Handling Algorithms by Abstaining”, IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM 2016), Barcelone, Spain (2016)
- kh. Laghmari, Ch. Marsala, M. Ramdani : “Graded multi-label classification: compromise between handling label relations and limiting error propagation”, SITA 2016 - 11th International Conference on Intelligent Systems: Theories and Applications, Mohammadia, Morocco, pp. 1-6, (IEEE) (2016)
- W. YANG, Ch. Marsala, A. Pinna, M. Rifqi, P. Garda : “Arbres de dĂ©cision flous adaptatifs”, 25e rencontres francophones sur la logique floue et ses applications (LFA), La Rochelle, France (2016)
- F. Meunier, Ch. Marsala, L. Castanie : “Heat Kernel Signature pour la sĂ©lection et la classification d’objets - application aux gĂ©o-modèles 3D”, La 5e Ă©dition des journĂ©es « Big Data Mining and Visualization », Metz, France (2016)
- P.‑X. Loeffel, Ch. Marsala, M. Detyniecki : “Memory management for data streams subject to concept drift”, European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning, Bruges, Belgium (2016)
- W. Xu, Ch. Marsala : “Personalized Search in Smart Indoor Environments: Combining a Formal Location Model, User Preferences and Semantic Similarity”, IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (WCCI'2016), Vancouver, Canada, pp. 1768-1775 (2016)
- A. Guillon, M.‑J. Lesot, Ch. Marsala : “Optimisation proximale pour le subspace clustering flou”, 25e Rencontres francophones sur la Logique Floue et ses Applications, La Rochelle, France (2016)
- A. Guillon, M.‑J. Lesot, Ch. Marsala, N. Pal : “Proximal Optimization for Fuzzy Subspace Clustering”, Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems 16th International Conference, IPMU 2016, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, June 20-24, 2016, Proceedings, Part I, vol. 610, Communications in Computer and Information Science, Eindhoven, Netherlands, pp. 675-686 (2016)
- Ch. Marsala, B. Bouchon‑Meunier : “Fuzzy data mining and management of interpretable and subjective information”, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, vol. 281, pp. 252–259, (Elsevier) (2015)
- F. Meunier, Ch. Marsala, L. Castanie : “Development of a recommendation system for decision support in geosciences”, MATHIAS – TOTAL Symposium on Mathematics, Paris, France (2015)
- kh. Laghmari, M. Ramdani, Ch. Marsala : “A Distributed Graph Based Approach for Rough Classifications Considering Dominance Relations Between Overlapping Classes”, 2015 10th International Conference on Intelligent Systems: Theories and Applications (SITA), Rabat, Morocco, pp. 1-6, (IEEE) (2015)
- P.‑X. Loeffel, Ch. Marsala, M. Detyniecki : “Classification with a reject option under Concept Drift: the Droplets Algorithm”, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics (DSAA'2015), Paris, France (2015)
- Ch. Marsala, D. Petturiti : “Rank discrimination measures for enforcing monotonicity in decision tree induction”, Information Sciences, vol. 291, pp. 143-171, (Elsevier) (2015)
- B. Bouchon‑Meunier, Ch. Marsala : “Fuzzy modifiers at the core of interpretable fuzzy systems”, chapter in Fifty Years of Fuzzy Logic and its Applications, vol. 326, Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing, pp. 51-63, (Springer) (2015)
- Ch. Marsala : “Apprentissage flou en environnement dynamique”, Actes des 22e rencontres francophone sur la logique floue et ses applications (LFA 2013), Reims, France, pp. 7 (2013)
- Ch. Marsala, D. Petturiti : “Monotone Classification with Decision Trees”, The 8th conference of the European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology, EUSFLAT 2013, Advances in Intelligent Systems Research, Milan, Italy, pp. 810-817, (Atlantis Press) (2013)
- Ch. Marsala, D. Petturiti : “Hierarchical Model for Rank Discrimination Measures”, Proceedings of 12th European Conference on Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning with Uncertainty, ECSQARU 2013, vol. 7958, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Utrecht, Netherlands, pp. 412-423, (Springer) (2013)
- Ch. Marsala : “Fuzzy Decision Trees for Dynamic Data”, IEEE Symposium on Evolving and Adaptive Intelligent Systems - EAIS'2013, Singapore, Singapore, pp. 17-24, (IEEE) (2013)
- W. Xu, Ch. Marsala, Ch. Benoit : “Matching Objects to User’s Queries in Web of Things’ Applications”, IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence for Communication Systems and Networks, CIComms 2013, Singapore, Singapore, pp. 31-38, (IEEE) (2013)
- Ch. Marsala, M. Rifqi : “Summarizing Fuzzy Decision Forest by subclass discovery”, IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, FUZZIEEE’2013, Hyderabad, India, pp. 1-6, (IEEE) (2013)
- B. Bouchon‑Meunier, M.‑J. Lesot, Ch. Marsala : “Modeling and management of subjective information in a fuzzy setting”, International Journal of General Systems, vol. 42 (1), pp. 3-19, (Taylor & Francis) (2013)
- Ch. Marsala : “Incremental Tuning of Fuzzy Decision Trees”, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems (SCIS-ISIS), Kobe, Japan, pp. 2061-2064, (IEEE) (2012)
- J.‑R. Coffi, Ch. Marsala, N. Museux : “Adaptive complex event processing for harmful situation detection”, Evolving Systems, vol. 3 (3), pp. 167-177, (Springer-Verlag) (2012)
- Ch. Marsala : “Gradual Fuzzy Decision Trees to Help Medical Diagnosis”, Proceedings of the Fuzz-IEEE'2012 Conference, Brisbane, Australia, pp. 602-607, (IEEE) (2012)
- M. Detyniecki, Ch. Marsala, A. Krishnan, M. Siegel : “Weather-Based Solar Energy Prediction”, Proceedings of the Fuzz-IEEE'2012 Conference, IEEE WCCI'2012 International Congress, Brisbane, Australia, pp. 587-593, (IEEE) (2012)
- F. Dzogang, Ch. Marsala, M.‑J. Lesot, M. Rifqi : “An Ellipsoidal K-Means for Document Clustering”, IEEE 12th International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM 2012), Bruxelles, Belgium, pp. 221-230, (IEEE) (2012)
- Ch. Marsala, M. Rifqi : “Characterizing Forest of Fuzzy Decision Trees Errors”, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference of the ERCIM WG on COMPUTING & STATISTICS (ERCIM'11), London, United Kingdom (2011)
- J.‑R. Coffi, Ch. Marsala, N. Museux : “Hybrid Learning System for Adaptive Complex Event Processing”, International Conference on Adaptive and Intelligent Systems (ICAIS'11), vol. 6943, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Klagenfurt, Austria, pp. 260-271, (Springer) (2011)
- J.‑R. Coffi, N. Museux, Ch. Marsala : “Interval Logic for Design and Maintenance of Complex Event Processing Systems”, Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Event-Driven Business Process Management, vol. 99, Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, Clermond-Ferrand, France, pp. 407-413, (Springer) (2011)
- J. Bu, S.‑Y. Lao, L. Bai, S. Tollari, Ch. Marsala : “A Real-time Billboard Trademark Recognition Algorithm in Sports Video”, Acta Automatica Sinica, vol. 37 (4), pp. 418-426 (2011)
- M. Detyniecki, Ch. Marsala, M. Rifqi : “Double-linear fuzzy interpolation method”, IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems FUZZIEEE'2011, Taipei, Taiwan, Province of China, pp. 455-462 (2011)
- Ch. Marsala : “Apprentissage artificiel et raisonnement flou”, habilitation, phd defence 11/30/2010 (2010)
- N. Labroche, Ch. Marsala : “Optimization of a Fuzzy Decision Trees Forest with Artificial Ant Based Clustering”, Proceedings of the International Conference of Soft Computing and Pattern Recognition, SOCPAR, Paris, France, pp. 1-5, (IEEE) (2010)
- J. Bu, S.‑Y. Lao, L. Bai, S. Tollari, Ch. Marsala : “Real-time Billboard Trademark Detection and Recognition in Sports Video”, International Conference on Information and Multimedia Technology (ICIMT 2010), Hong-Kong, China, pp. 137-142 (2010)
- Ch. Marsala, B. Bouchon‑Meunier : “Validation de mesures de sĂ©lection d’attributs en apprentissage inductif”, Actes de la confĂ©rence LFA 2010, Lannion, France, pp. 192-199 (2010)
- Ch. Marsala, B. Bouchon‑Meunier : “Quality of Measures for Attribute Selection in Fuzzy Decision Trees”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, Barcelona, Spain, pp. 1-8, (IEEE) (2010)
- S. Tollari, M. Detyniecki, A. Fakeri‑Tabrizi, Ch. Marsala, M.‑R. Amini, P. Gallinari : “Exploitation du contenu visuel pour amĂ©liorer la recherche textuelle d’images en ligne”, Document numĂ©rique - Revue des sciences et technologies de l'information. SĂ©rie Document numĂ©rique, vol. 13 (1), pp. 187-209, (Hermès) (2010)
- Ch. Marsala, M. Detyniecki : “High Scale Fuzzy Video Mining”, chapter in Scalable Fuzzy Algorithms for Data Management and Analysis: Methods and Design, pp. 365-378, (IGI Global), (ISBN: 9781605668581) (2010)
- S. Tollari, M. Detyniecki, A. Fakeri‑Tabrizi, Ch. Marsala, M.‑R. Amini, P. Gallinari : “Using Visual Concepts and Fast Visual Diversity to Improve Image Retrieval”, 9th Workshop of the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum, CLEF 2008, Revised Selected Papers, vol. 5706, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Aarhus, Denmark, pp. 577-584, (Springer Berlin / Heidelberg) (2009)
- T. Tran, Ch. Marsala, B. Bouchon‑Meunier, G.‑M. Putois : “A model to manage learner’s motivation: a use-case for an academic schooling intelligent assistant”, Proceedings of 4th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning (EC-TEL 09), vol. 5794, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Nice, France, pp. 633-638, (Springer) (2009)
- J. Bu, S.‑Y. Lao, L. Bai, S. Tollari, Ch. Marsala : “Goalmouth Detection in Field-Ball Game Video Using Fuzzy Decision Tree”, Fifth International Conference on Image and Graphics (ICIG'09), Xi'an, China, pp. 917-921, (IEEE) (2009)
- Ch. Marsala : “A Fuzzy Decision Tree Based Approach to Characterize Medical Data”, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (Fuzz-IEEE'2009), Jeju Island, Korea, Republic of, pp. 1332-1337, (IEEE) (2009)
- B. Bouchon‑Meunier, Ch. Marsala, M. Rifqi : “Fuzzy Analogical Model of Adaptation for Case-Based Reasoning”, IFSA-EUSFLAT 2009, Lisbon, Portugal, pp. 1625-1630 (2009)
- S. Tollari, M. Detyniecki, A. Fakeri‑Tabrizi, Ch. Marsala, M.‑R. Amini, P. Gallinari : “Utilisation de concepts visuels et de la diversitĂ© visuelle pour amĂ©liorer la recherche d’images”, Actes de ConfĂ©rence en Recherche d'Informations et Applications (CORIA'09), Toulon, France, pp. 83-98 (2009)
- S. Tollari, M. Detyniecki, Ch. Marsala, A. Fakeri‑Tabrizi, M.‑R. Amini, P. Gallinari : “Exploiting Visual Concepts to Improve Text-Based Image Retrieval”, European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR), vol. 5478, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Toulouse, France, pp. 701-705, (Springer) (2009)
- T. Tran, B. Bouchon‑Meunier, Ch. Marsala, G.‑M. Putois : “An intelligent assistant to support students and to prevent them from dropout”, Proceedings of the First International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU'09), Lisboa, Portugal, pp. 167-172, (INSTICC Press) (2009)
- Ch. Marsala : “Data Mining with Ensemble of Fuzzy Decision Trees”, Proceedings of the Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Data Mining (CIDM'09), Nashville, United States, pp. 348-354, (IEEE) (2009)
- B. Bouchon‑Meunier, Ch. Marsala, M. Rifqi : “Modèles flous d’adaptation en raisonnement par cas”, Actes de la confĂ©rence LFA 2009, Annecy, France, pp. 167-172 (2009)
- B. Bouchon‑Meunier, Ch. Marsala : “Fuzzy Inductive Learning: Principles and Applications in Data Mining”, International Conference on Intelligent System & Knowledge Engineering, vol. 1, Xiamen, China, pp. 1-4, (IEEE) (2008)
- Ch. Marsala, M. Detyniecki : “UPMC-LIP6 at TrecVid’08: Balanced and Unbalanced Forests of Fuzzy Decision Trees for High-Level Feature Detection”, TRECVID 2008 workshop participants notebook papers, Gaithersburg, MD, United States, (NIST) (2008)
- M. Detyniecki, Ch. Marsala : “Adaptive Acceleration and Shot Stacking for Video Rushes Summarization”, Proceedings of the 2nd ACM TRECVid Video Summarization Workshop (TVS '08), Vancouver, Canada, pp. 109-113, (ACM) (2008)
- Ch. Marsala, M. Detyniecki : “High Scale Video Mining with Forests of Fuzzy Decision Trees”, Proceedings of the 5th international conference on Soft computing as transdisciplinary science and technology (CSTST'08), Cergy-Pontoise, France, pp. 413-418, (ACM) (2008)
- Th. Delavallade, B. Bouchon‑Meunier, Ph. Capet, Ch. Marsala : “Computational intelligence at the service of peace”, Proceedings of the IEEE WCCI 2008 Workshop on Applications of Computational Intelligence to Benefit Society, Hong Kong, Hong Kong, pp. 51-58, (IEEE) (2008)
- M. Detyniecki, Ch. Marsala : “Automatic Video Annotation with Forests of Fuzzy Decision Trees”, Mathware & soft computing, vol. 15 (1), pp. 61-74, (RACO) (2008)
- B. Bouchon‑Meunier, G. Coletti, Ch. Marsala : “Towards a General Theory of Conditional Decomposable Information Measures”, chapter in Uncertainty and intelligent information systems, pp. 47-59, (World Scientific) (2008)
- B. Bouchon‑Meunier, Ch. Marsala, M. Rifqi, Ronald R. Yager : “Uncertainty and intelligent information systems”, (World Scientific), (ISBN: 978-981-279-234-1) (2008)
- Ch. Marsala, M. Detyniecki, N. Usunier, M.‑R. Amini : “High-Level Feature Detection with Forests of Fuzzy Decision Trees combined with the RankBoost”, TRECVID 2007 workshop participants notebook papers, Gaithersburg, MD, United States, (NIST) (2007)
- M. Detyniecki, Ch. Marsala : “Forest of Fuzzy Decision Trees and their Application in Video Mining”, 5th Conference of the European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology (EUSFLAT'07), Ostrava, Czechia, pp. 345-352 (2007)
- M. Detyniecki, Ch. Marsala : “Video rushes summarization by adaptive acceleration and stacking of shots”, Proceedings of the 1st ACM Workshop on Video Summarization - TVS 2007 (part of ACM Multimedia'07), Augsburg, Germany, pp. 65-69, (ACM) (2007)
- A. Lurie, Ch. Marsala, S. Hartley, B. Bouchon‑Meunier, D. Dusser : “Patients’ perception of asthma severity”, Respiratory Medicine, vol. 101 (10), pp. 2145-2152, (Elsevier) (2007)
- B. Bouchon‑Meunier, M. Detyniecki, M.‑J. Lesot, Ch. Marsala, M. Rifqi : “Real world fuzzy logic applications in data mining and information retrieval”, chapter in Fuzzy Logic - A Spectrum of Theoretical and Practical Issues, vol. 215, Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing, pp. 219-247, (Springer), (ISBN: 978-3540712572) (2007)
- B. Bouchon‑Meunier, G. Coletti, Ch. Marsala : “A general theory of conditional decomposable information measures”, International Conference IPMU 2006, Paris, France, pp. 97-104, (Editions E.D.K.) (2006)
- Th. Delavallade, Ch. Marsala, Ph. Capet, C. Michel : “Crisis Risk Assessment and Early Warning”, IPMU 2006, industrial track, Paris, France, pp. 33-36 (2006)
- Th. Dang, Ch. Marsala : “Extension of hierarchical model for fuzzy measures of discrimination”, IPMU Conference, Paris, France, pp. 1284-1291 (2006)
- Ch. Marsala, B. Bouchon‑Meunier : “Ranking Attributes to Build Fuzzy Decision Trees: a Comparative Study of Measures”, IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, Vancouver, Canada, pp. 1777-1783, (IEEE) (2006)
- Th. Dang, Ch. Marsala, B. Bouchon‑Meunier, A. Boucher : “Discrimination-based criteria for the evaluation of classifiers”, 7th International Conference on Flexible Query-Answering Systems, FQAS 2006, vol. 4027, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Milan, Italy, pp. 552-563, (Springer) (2006)
- Ch. Marsala, M. Detyniecki : “University of Paris 6 at TRECVID 2006: Forest of Fuzzy Decision Trees for High-Level Feature Extraction”, TREC Video Retrieval Evaluation, Gaithersburg, United States (2006)
- B. Bouchon‑Meunier, Ch. Marsala : “From fuzzy questionnaires to fuzzy decision trees: 30 years of research in fuzzy learning”, BISCSE 2005 workshop, Berkeley, United States (2005)
- M. Damez, Th. Dang, Ch. Marsala, B. Bouchon‑Meunier : “Fuzzy Decision Tree for User Modeling from Human-Computer Interactions”, 5th International Conference on Human System Learning (ICHSL'05), Marrakech, Morocco, pp. 287-302 (2005)
- Ch. Marsala, M. Detyniecki : “University of Paris 6 at TRECVID 2005: High-Level Feature Extraction”, TRECVID 2005 workshop participants notebook papers, Gaithersburg, MD, United States, (NIST) (2005)
- Th. Delavallade, B. Bouchon‑Meunier, Ch. Marsala, Ph. Capet : “Country Risk Ratings: A new Methodology to Assess Internal Conflicts risks”, 3rd European Conference on Risk Management, Antwerp, Belgium (2005)
- Ch. Marsala, B. Bouchon‑Meunier : “Selection of attributes for fuzzy decision trees”, Workshop on Soft Computing for Information Mining, in the 27th 27th German Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Ulm, Germany (2004)
- B. Bouchon‑Meunier, Th. Dang, Ch. Marsala : “Comparison of techniques for the construction of decision trees”, International Conference on Intelligent and Adaptive Systems and Software Engineering (IASSE'04), Nice, France, pp. 58-62 (2004)
- Th. Dang, B. Bouchon‑Meunier, Ch. Marsala : “Measures of information for inductive learning”, 10th International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems, Perugia, Italy, pp. 1495-1502 (2004)
- Ch. Marsala, M. Detyniecki : “Fuzzy Data Mining for Video”, EUSFLAT'03 - 3rd Conference of the European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology, Zittau, Germany, pp. 73-78 (2003)
- B. Bouchon‑Meunier, R. Mesiar, Ch. Marsala, M. Rifqi : “Compositional rule of inference as an analogical scheme”, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, vol. 138 (1), pp. 53-65, (Elsevier) (2003)
- Ch. Marsala, B. Bouchon‑Meunier : “Choice of a method for the construction of fuzzy decision trees”, FUZZ '03 - 12th IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, vol. 1, St Louis, MO, United States, pp. 584-589, (IEEE) (2003)
- B. Bouchon‑Meunier, Ch. Marsala : “Measures of Discrimination for the Construction of Fuzzy Decision Trees”, FIP'03 - International Conference on Fuzzy Information Processing, Beijing, China, pp. 709-714 (2003)
- Ch. Marsala, B. Bouchon‑Meunier : “Apprentissage et extraction de connaissances”, chapitre de Traitement de donnĂ©es complexes et commande en logique floue, TraitĂ© IC2, sĂ©rie Informatique et Systèmes d'Information, pp. 153-198, (Hermès-Lavoisier) (2003)
- B. Bouchon‑Meunier, Ch. Marsala : “Conclusion”, chapitre de Logique floue : principes, aide Ă la dĂ©cision, pp. 245-247 (2003)
- A. Laurent, Ch. Marsala, B. Bouchon‑Meunier : “Improvement of the Interpretability of Fuzzy Rule Based Systems: Quantifiers, Similarities and Aggregators”, chapter in Modelling with Words, vol. 2873, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, pp. 102-123, (Springer) (2003)
- B. Bouchon‑Meunier, Ch. Marsala : “Logique floue : principes, aide Ă la dĂ©cision”, TraitĂ© IC2, sĂ©rie Informatique et Systèmes d'Information, (Hermès-Lavoisier) (2003)
- B. Bouchon‑Meunier, Ch. Marsala : “MĂ©thodes de raisonnement”, chapitre de Logique floue : principes, aide Ă la dĂ©cision, TraitĂ© IC2, sĂ©rie Informatique et Systèmes d'Information, pp. 121-147, (Hermès-Lavoisier) (2003)
- B. Bouchon‑Meunier, Ch. Marsala : “Traitement de donnĂ©es complexes et commande en logique floue”, TraitĂ© IC2, sĂ©rie Informatique et Systèmes d'Information, (Hermès-Lavoisier) (2003)
- M. Detyniecki, Ch. Marsala : “Fuzzy Multimedia Mining Applied to Video News”, 9th International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems (IPMU'02), Annecy, France, pp. 1001-1008 (2002)
- B. Bouchon‑Meunier, G. Coletti, Ch. Marsala : “Independence and possibilistic conditioning”, Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, vol. 35 (1-4), pp. 107-123, (Springer Verlag) (2002)
- B. Bouchon‑Meunier, Ch. Marsala : “Improving the interpretability of fuzzy models by means of linguistic modifiers”, FSTA 2002 - International Conference on Fuzzy Sets Theory and Its Applications, Liptovsky Mikulas, Slovakia (2002)
- B. Bouchon‑Meunier, G. Coletti, Ch. Marsala : “Conditional possibility and necessity”, chapter in Technologies for constructing intelligent systems 2, vol. 90, Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing, pp. 59-71, (Physica Verlag) (2002)
- M. Detyniecki, Ch. Marsala : “Fuzzy Inductive Learning for Multimedia Mining”, EUSFLAT'2001 - 2nd International Conference in Fuzzy Logic and Technology, Leicester, United Kingdom, pp. 390-393 (2001)
- B. Bouchon‑Meunier, D. Dubois, Ch. Marsala, H. Prade, L. Ughetto : “A comparative view of interpolation methods between sparse fuzzy rules”, Proceedings Joint 9th IFSA World Congress and 20th NAFIPS International Conference (Cat. No. 01TH8569), Vancouver, BC, Canada, pp. 2499-2504, (IEEE) (2001)
- Ch. Marsala, B. Bouchon‑Meunier : “Interpolative reasoning with multi-variable rules”, 9th IFSA World Congress, Vancouver, Canada, pp. 2476-2481, (IEEE) (2001)
- B. Bouchon‑Meunier, Ch. Marsala : “Linguistic modifiers and measures of similarity or resemblance”, 9th IFSA World Congress, Vancouver, Canada, pp. 2195-2199, (IEEE) (2001)
- Ch. Marsala : “Fuzzy partitioning methods.”, chapter in Granular Computing: an Emerging Paradigm, vol. 70, Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing, pp. 163-186, (Springer-Verlag) (2001)
- Ch. Marsala, B. Bouchon‑Meunier : “Construction of fuzzy classes by fuzzy partitioning”, Flexible Query Answering Systems, vol. 7, Advances in Soft Computing, Warsaw, Poland, pp. 497-506, (Physica Verlag) (2000)
- A. Laurent, S. Gançarski, Ch. Marsala : “CoopĂ©ration entre un système d’extraction de connaissances floues et un système de gestion de bases de donnĂ©es multidimensionnelles”, Rencontres Francophones sur la Logique Floue et ses Applications (LFA'2000), La Rochelle, France, pp. 325-332, (Cepaduès editions) (2000)
- A. Laurent, B. Bouchon‑Meunier, A. Doucet, S. Gançarski, Ch. Marsala : “Fuzzy Data Mining from Multidimensional Databases”, International Symposium on Computational Intelligence, (ISCI'2000), Studies CI series, Kosice, Slovakia, pp. 278-283, (Springer-Verlag) (2000)
- B. Bouchon‑Meunier, G. Coletti, Ch. Marsala : “Possibilistic conditional events”, IPMU 2000 - 8th International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems, Madrid, Spain, pp. 1561-1566 (2000)
- B. Bouchon‑Meunier, E. Di Crescenzo, Ch. Marsala, N. Mellouli, M. Rifqi : “Uncertainty management in the recognition of a new odor”, IPMU 2000 - 8th International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems, Madrid, Spain, pp. 1924-1927 (2000)
- B. Bouchon‑Meunier, G. Coletti, Ch. Marsala : “Independence and possibilistic conditioning”, Workshop on Partial Knowledge and Uncertainty: independence, conditioning, inference, Roma, Italy (2000)
- A. Ramer, B. Bouchon‑Meunier, M. Do Carmo Nicoletti, Ch. Marsala, M. Rifqi : “Interpolative model for fuzzy arithmetic”, FUZZ IEEE 2000 - 9th IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, San Antonio, United States, pp. 633-635, (IEEE) (2000)
- B. Bouchon‑Meunier, M. Rifqi, Ch. Marsala : “Interpolative reasoning based on graduality”, Fuzz-IEEE 2000 - 9th IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, San Antonio, United States, pp. 483-487, (IEEE) (2000)
- B. Bouchon‑Meunier, J. Delechamp, Ch. Marsala, M. Rifqi : “Analogy as a Basis of Various Forms of Approximate Reasoning”, chapter in Uncertainty in Intelligent and Information Systems, vol. 20, Advances in Fuzzy Systems - Applications and Theory, pp. 70-79, (World scientific publishing) (2000)
- Ch. Marsala, M. Ramdani, D. Zakarya, M. Tollabi : “Fuzzy Decision Trees to Extract Features of Odorous Molecules”, chapter in Uncertainty in Intelligent and Information Systems, pp. 235-249, (World Scientific) (2000)
- Ch. Marsala : “Fuzzy decision trees to help flexible querying.”, Kybernetika, vol. 36 (6), pp. 689-705, (Institute of Information Theory and Automation) (2000)
- B. Bouchon‑Meunier, J. Delechamp, Ch. Marsala, R. Mesiar, M. Rifqi : “Fuzzy deductive reasoning and analogical scheme”, EUSFLAT-ESTYL Joint Conference, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, pp. 139-142 (1999)
- A. Ramer, B. Bouchon‑Meunier, Ch. Marsala : “Analytical Structure of Hierarchical Discrimination”, FUZZ-IEEE'99 Conference, Seoul, Korea, Republic of, pp. 1050-1053, (IEEE) (1999)
- Ch. Marsala, B. Bouchon‑Meunier, A. Ramer : “Hierarchical Model for Discrimination Measures”, IFSA'99 - 8th International Fuzzy Systems Association World Congress, Taipei, Taiwan, Province of China, pp. 339-343 (1999)
- Ch. Marsala, B. Bouchon‑Meunier : “An adaptable system to construct fuzzy decision trees”, 18th International Conference of the North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society, NAFIPS'99, New York, United States, pp. 223-227, (IEEE) (1999)
- B. Bouchon‑Meunier, J. Delechamp, Ch. Marsala, N. Mellouli, M. Rifqi, L. Zerrouki : “Raisonnement interpolatif Ă partir de schĂ©ma analogique flou”, JournĂ©es Nationales sur les Modèles de Raisonnements, Paris, France (1999)
- B. Bouchon‑Meunier, J. Delechamp, Ch. Marsala, N. Mellouli, M. Rifqi, L. Zerrouki : “Analogy and Fuzzy Interpolation in the case of Sparse Rules”, Second International Conference on Soft and Intelligent Computing, Budapest, Hungary, pp. 132-136 (1999)
- B. Bouchon‑Meunier, Ch. Marsala : “Learning Fuzzy Decision Rules”, chapter in Fuzzy sets in approximate reasoning and information systems, vol. 5, The Handbooks of Fuzzy Sets Series, pp. 279-304, (Springer) (1999)
- Ch. Marsala : “Apprentissage inductif en prĂ©sence de donnĂ©es imprĂ©cises : construction et utilisation d’arbres de dĂ©cision flous”, thesis, phd defence 01/06/1998, supervision Bouchon-meunier, Bernadette (1998)
- Ch. Marsala, B. Bouchon‑Meunier : “Construction Methods of Fuzzy Decision Trees”, JCIS'98, Durham, North Carolina, United States, pp. 17-20 (1998)
- N. Martini Bigolin, Ch. Marsala : “Fuzzy Spatial OQL for Fuzzy Knowledge Discovery in Databases, Principles of Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery”, 2nd European Symposium PKDD'98, vol. 1510, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Nantes, France, pp. 246-254, (Springer) (1998)
- B. Bouchon‑Meunier, Ch. Marsala : “Analogy and fuzzy deductive reasoning”, North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society, Pensacola, FL, United States, pp. 101-104, (IEEE) (1998)
- O. Gascuel, B. Bouchon‑Meunier, G. Caraux, P. Gallinari, A. GuĂ©noche, Y. Guermeur, Y. Lechevallier, Ch. Marsala, L. Miclet, J. Nicolas, R. Nock, M. Ramdani, M. Sebag, B. Tallur, G. Venturini, P. Vitte : “Twelve numerical, symbolic and hybrid supervised classification methods”, International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, vol. 12 (5), pp. 517-572, (World Scientific Publishing) (1998)
- Ch. Marsala, M. Ramdani, M. Tollabi, D. Zakarya : “Recognition of Odors: a Fuzzy Decision Tree Approach”, Seventh International Conference IPMU, Paris, France, pp. 532-539 (1998)
- Ch. Marsala : “Application of Fuzzy Rule Induction to Data Mining”, FQAS'98 - 3rd International Conference on Flexible Query Answering Systems, vol. 1495, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Roskilde, Denmark, pp. 260-271, (Springer) (1998)
- B. Bouchon‑Meunier, J. Delechamp, Ch. Marsala, M. Rifqi : “Analogy as a basis of various forms of reasoning”, 7th International Conference on Intelligent Systems, Fontainebleau, France (1998)
- Ch. Marsala : “Construction d’arbres de dĂ©cision flous : le système SalammbĂ´”, LFA'98, Rennes, France, pp. 171-176 (1998)
- Ch. Marsala, N. Martini Bigolin : “Spatial Data Mining with Fuzzy Decision Trees”, International Conference on Data Mining, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, pp. 235-248 (1998)
- Ch. Marsala : “Stability of fuzzy decision trees when classifying evolving observations”, Third International FLINS Worshop on Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent Technologies for Nuclear Science and Industry, Anvers, Belgium (1998)
- Ch. Marsala, M. Rifqi : “Inductive views of generalization”, EUFIT'97 - 5th European Congress on Intelligent Techniques and Soft Computing, Aachen, Germany, pp. 939-941 (1997)
- Ch. Marsala, B. Bouchon‑Meunier : “Forests of Fuzzy Decision Trees”, IFSA'97 - Seventh International Fuzzy Systems Association World Congress, Prague, Czechia (1997)
- B. Bouchon‑Meunier, J. Delechamp, Ch. Marsala, M. Rifqi : “Several Forms of Fuzzy Analogical Reasoning”, 6th IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, Fuzz'IEEE'97, Barcelona, Spain, pp. 45-50, (IEEE) (1997)
- B. Bouchon‑Meunier, Ch. Marsala : “Fuzzy Decision Trees and Databases”, chapter in Flexible Query-Answering Systems, pp. 277-288, (Kluwer) (1997)
- B. Bouchon‑Meunier, Ch. Marsala, M. Ramdani : “Learning from Imperfect Data”, chapter in Fuzzy set methods in information engineering : a guided tour of applications, (John Wiley and Sons) (1997)
- B. Bouchon‑Meunier, C. Marsala, M. Rifqi : “Comment classer des objets imparfaitement dĂ©crits ?”, XXV$^\mbox ème$ colloque international de l'ARAE (Association Rhodanienne pour l'Avancement de l'EconomĂ©trie) sur les Structures Ă©conomiques, l'Ă©conomĂ©trie et l'informatique, Lyon, France (1996)
- S. Bothorel, B. Bouchon‑Meunier, C. Marsala, M. Rifqi : “Apprentissage en Environnememt Imparfait”, AFCET, Toulouse, France (1995)