Former teams : | ACASA AnimatLab MALIRE MLIA Phare REGAL SALSA SPI SPIRAL Whisper |
Former research topics : | ANP APA ASIM CALFOR OASIS RP SPI SRC SYSDEF |
- SYLVESTRE Loic : “Safe, expressive and efficient FPGA programming”, supervision Emmanuel CHAILLOUX, defence 11/25/2024.
- PAROLINI Francesco : “Static Analysis for Security Properties of Software by Abstract Interpretation”, supervision Antoine MINÉ, defence 06/26/2024.
- PONT Mathieu : “Analysis of Ensembles of Topological Descriptors”, supervision Julien TIERNY, defence 12/01/2023.
- HOURCADE Hugo : “Enumération de motifs temporels”, supervision Emmanuel CHAILLOUX, defence 05/16/2023.
- DELMAS David : “Static analysis of program portability by abstract interpretation”, supervision Antoine MINÉ, defence 11/28/2022.
- NIGRON Pierre : “Effectful programs and their proofs in type theory : application to certified compilation and certified packet processing”, supervision Julia LAWALL, defence 11/17/2022.
- CHEN Yi-Ting : “Random generation of executions of concurrent systems”, supervision Jean MAIRESSE, defence 01/07/2022.
- VIDAL Jules : “Progressivity in Topological Data Analysis”, supervision Julien TIERNY, defence 12/08/2021.
- MONAT Raphaël : “Static Type and Value Analysis by Abstract Interpretation of Python Programs with Native C Libraries”, supervision Antoine MINÉ, defence 11/22/2021.
- PEPIN Martin : “Quantitative and algorithmic analysis of concurrent programs”, supervision Antoine GENITRINI, defence 09/29/2021.
- SALL Boubacar Demba : “Programmation impérative par raffinements avec l'assistant de preuve Coq”, supervision Emmanuel CHAILLOUX, defence 10/01/2020.
- ROUX Antoine Dimitri : “Streaming unidirectional auto-correcting codes through ELIPS-SD diods”, supervision Michèle SORIA, Laurent FREREBEAU, Hervé DELPEYRAT, defence 12/02/2019.
- JOURNAULT Matthieu : “Precise and modular static analysis by abstract interpretation for the automatic proof of program soundness and contracts inference”, supervision Antoine MINÉ, defence 11/21/2019.
- VAROUMAS Steven : “High-level programming models for microcontrollers with scarce resources”, supervision Tristan CROLARD, defence 11/05/2019.
- SOLER Maxime : “Large Data Reduction and Structure Comparison with Topological Data Analysis”, supervision Julien TIERNY, defence 06/20/2019.
- SUZANNE Thibault : “Verification by Abstract Interpretation Under Weakly Consistent Memory”, supervision Antoine MINÉ, defence 02/26/2019.
- GUEUNET Charles : “High Performance Level-set based Topological Data Analysis”, supervision Julien TIERNY, defence 02/15/2019.
- BOTBOL Vincent : “Static analysis of concurrent programs with numerical variables”, supervision Emmanuel CHAILLOUX, defence 09/13/2018.
- EL SIBAIE Rémy : “Programmation Web Réactive dans un cadre typé statiquement pour l'orchestration de contenus mutltimédia riches”, supervision Emmanuel CHAILLOUX, defence 07/12/2018.
- DIEN Matthieu : “Concurrent process and combinatorics of increasingly labeled structures: quantitative analysis and random generation algorithms.”, supervision Michèle SORIA, defence 09/22/2017.
- DEHARBE Aurélien : “Resources analysis for concurrent and dynamic systems”, supervision Michèle SORIA, defence 09/21/2016.
- MILLON Etienne : “Security analysis of system code using static typing”, supervision Emmanuel CHAILLOUX, defence 07/10/2014.
- BOURGOIN Mathias : “Opengpu Project - Efficient abstractions for graphics cards”, supervision Emmanuel CHAILLOUX, defence 12/11/2013.
- MORCRETTE Basile : “Analytic Combinatorics and urn models”, supervision Michèle SORIA, defence 06/26/2013.
- LUMBROSO Jérémie : “Probabilistic Algorithms for Data Streaming and Random Generation”, supervision Michèle SORIA, defence 12/13/2012.
- WANG Philippe : “Applicative Languages and Abstract Machines for Structural Code Coverage”, supervision Emmanuel CHAILLOUX, defence 10/04/2012.
- ROUSSEL Olivier : “Générateur aléatoire de strutures ordonnées par le modèle de Boltzmann”, supervision Michèle SORIA, defence 09/25/2012.
- ZHAO Ting : “Dynamic Geometry and geometric Constrain Solving”, supervision Dongming WANG, defence 05/03/2012.
- WANG Xiaomin : “Deciding on the type of the degree distribution of a graph (network) from traceroute-like measurements”, supervision Michèle SORIA, defence 12/13/2011.
- CANOU Benjamin : “Programmation Web Typée”, supervision Emmanuel CHAILLOUX, defence 10/04/2011.
- BELHAOUARI Hakim : “Une approche intégrée pour la conception par contrat : vérification statique/dynamique et génération automatique de test”, supervision Jacques MALENFANT, defence 03/30/2010.
- DARRASSE Alexis : “Structures arborescentes complexes : analyse combinatoire, génération aléatoire et applications”, supervision Michele SORIA, defence 01/26/2010.