Direction de recherche : Patrick GALLINARI
Techniques d'apprentissage pour le traitement d'informations structurées : application à la recherche d'information
Soutenance : 17/07/2003
Date de départ : 30/09/2004Sept docteurs (2013 - 2022) à Sorbonne Université
- 2022
- SCIALOM Thomas : Pas de titre.
- SIMON Etienne : Apprentissage de réseaux profonds pour l'indexation conceptuelle de texte.
- 2020
- BORDES Patrick : Apprentissage Multimodal Profond pour un Raisonnement Textuel et Visuel Joint.
- 2019
- ZABLOCKI Eloi : Apprentissage automatique multi-modal: complémentarité des contextes textuels et visuels.
- 2017
- DOS SANTOS Ludovic : Apprentissage de représentations pour des données relationnelles.
- 2015
- GAUTHIER Luc-Aurélien : Inférence de liens signés dans les réseaux sociaux, par apprentissage à partir d'interactions utilisateur.
- 2013
- PEHLIVAN Zeynep : Accès aux archives Web: Interrogation, Navigation et Optimisation.
Un Postdoc passé (2015) à Sorbonne Université
- 2015
- MIRISAEE Seyed : Pas de titre.
Publications 2000-2021
- C. Rebuffel, Th. Scialom, L. Soulier, B. Piwowarski, S. Lamprier, J. Staiano, G. Scoutheeten, P. Gallinari : “Data-QuestEval: A Reference-less Metric for Data-to-Text Semantic Evaluation”, 2021 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP), Punta Cana, Dominican Republic, pp. 8029-8036, (Association for Computational Linguistics) (2021)
- Th. Scialom, P.‑A. Dray, S. Lamprier, B. Piwowarski, J. Staiano, A. Wang, P. Gallinari : “QuestEval: Summarization Asks for Fact-based Evaluation”, 2021 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, Online and Punta Cana, Dominican Republic, pp. 6594-6604, (Association for Computational Linguistics) (2021)
- Th. Formal, B. Piwowarski, S. Clinchant : “SPLADE: Sparse Lexical and Expansion Model for First Stage Ranking”, SIGIR '21: The 44th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, Virtual Event, Canada, pp. 2288-2292, (ACM) (2021)
- Th. Formal, B. Piwowarski, S. Clinchant : “Une Analyse du Modèle ColBERT”, Conférence en Recherche d’Information et Applications, Grenoble (virtuelle), France (2021)
- Th. Formal, B. Piwowarski, S. Clinchant : “A White Box Analysis of ColBERT”, 43rd EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION RETRIEVAL, vol. 12657, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Lucca (online), Italy, pp. 257-263, (Springer International Publishing) (2021)
- Th. Scialom, P.‑A. Dray, J. Staiano, S. Lamprier, B. Piwowarski : “To Beam Or Not To Beam: That is a Question of Cooperation for Language GANs”, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, vol. 34, Virtual, United States, pp. 26585-26597, (Curran Associates, Inc.) (2021)
- Th. Scialom, P.‑A. Dray, S. Lamprier, B. Piwowarski, J. Staiano : “ColdGANs: Taming Language GANs with Cautious Sampling Strategies”, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, vol. 33, NeurIPS Proceedings, Virtual, Åland Islands, pp. 18978-18989, (Curran Associates, Inc.) (2020)
- Th. Scialom, P.‑A. Dray, S. Lamprier, B. Piwowarski, J. Staiano : “ColdGANs: Taming Language GANs with Cautious Sampling Strategies”, (2020)
- Th. Scialom, P.‑A. Dray, S. Lamprier, B. Piwowarski, J. Staiano : “Discriminative Adversarial Search for Abstractive Summarization”, (2020)
- Th. Scialom, P.‑A. Dray, S. Lamprier, B. Piwowarski, J. Staiano : “MLSUM: The Multilingual Summarization Corpus”, (2020)
- Th. Scialom, P.‑A. Dray, S. Lamprier, B. Piwowarski, J. Staiano : “MLSUM: The Multilingual Summarization Corpus”, 2020 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP), Online, France, pp. 8051-8067, (Association for Computational Linguistics) (2020)
- B. Piwowarski : “Experimaestro and Datamaestro”, SIGIR '20: The 43rd International ACM SIGIR conference on research and development in Information Retrieval, Virtual Event China, China, pp. 2173-2176, (ACM) (2020)
- Th. Scialom, P.‑A. Dray, S. Lamprier, B. Piwowarski, J. Staiano : “Discriminative Adversarial Search for Abstractive Summarization”, 37th International Conference on Machine Learning, vol. 119, Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, Virtual, Åland Islands, pp. 8555-8564, (PMLR) (2020)
- A. Mustar, S. Lamprier, B. Piwowarski : “Using BERT and BART for Query Suggestion”, Joint Conference of the Information Retrieval Communities in Europe, vol. 2621, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Samatan, France, (CEUR-WS.org) (2020)
- P. Bordes, É. Zablocki, L. Soulier, B. Piwowarski, P. Gallinari : “Incorporating Visual Semantics into Sentence Representations within a Grounded Space”, 2019 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and 9th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing, Proceedings of the 2019 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and the 9th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (EMNLP-IJCNLP), Hong Kong, China, pp. 696-707, (Association for Computational Linguistics) (2019)
- Th. Scialom, S. Lamprier, B. Piwowarski, J. Staiano : “Answers Unite! Unsupervised Metrics for Reinforced Summarization Models”, 2019 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and the 9th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (EMNLP-IJCNLP), ACL Anthology, Hong Kong, China, pp. 3237-3247, (Association for Computational Linguistics) (2019)
- É. Simon, V. Guigue, B. Piwowarski : “Unsupervised Information Extraction: Regularizing Discriminative Approaches with Relation Distribution Losses”, Proceedings of the 57th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Florence, Italy, pp. 1378-1387, (Association for Computational Linguistics) (2019)
- Th. Scialom, B. Piwowarski, J. Staiano : “Self-Attention Architectures for Answer-Agnostic Neural Question Generation”, ACL 2019 - Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Proceedings of the 57th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Florence, Italy, pp. 6027-6032, (Association for Computational Linguistics) (2019)
- É. Zablocki, P. Bordes, B. Piwowarski, L. Soulier, P. Gallinari : “Context-Aware Zero-Shot Learning for Object Recognition”, Thirty-sixth International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), Long Beach, CA, United States (2019)
- É. Simon, V. Guigue, B. Piwowarski : “Extraction d’information non supervisée avec des modèles discriminants”, CAp 2019 - 21e Conférence sur l'Apprentissage automatique, Toulouse, France (2019)
- Th. Scialom, B. Piwowarski, J. Staiano : “Architecture basée sur les mécanismes d’attention: le cas de la génération de questions neuronales”, COnférence en Recherche d'Informations et Applications - CORIA 2019, 16th French Information Retrieval Conference, COnférence en Recherche d'Informations et Applications - CORIA 2019, 16th French Information Retrieval Conference. Lyon, France, May 25-29, 2019. Proceedings, Lyon, France (2019)
- P. Bordes, É. Zablocki, L. Soulier, B. Piwowarski : “Un modèle multimodal d’apprentissage de représentations de phrases qui préserve la sémantique visuelle”, COnférence en Recherche d'Informations et Applications, COnférence en Recherche d'Informations et Applications - CORIA 2019, 16th French Information Retrieval Conference. Lyon, France, May 25-29, 2019. Proceedings, Lyon, France (2019)
- B. Piwowarski, M. Chevalier, E. Gaussier : “SIGIR’19: Proceedings of the 42nd International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval”, 42nd International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR 2019), The 42nd International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, (ACM: Association for Computing Machinery), (ISBN: 978-1-4503-6172-9) (2019)
- L. DOS SANTOS, B. Piwowarski, L. Denoyer, P. Gallinari : “Representation Learning for Classification in Heterogeneous Graphs with Application to Social Networks”, ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (TKDD), vol. 12 (5), pp. 1-33, (ACM) (2018)
- É. Zablocki, B. Piwowarski, L. Soulier, P. Gallinari : “Apprentissage multimodal de représentation de mots à l’aide de contexte visuel”, Conférence sur l'Apprentissage Automatique, Rouen, France (2018)
- H. Titeux, B. Piwowarski, P. Gallinari : “Représentations Gaussiennes pour le Filtrage Collaboratif”, 15e COnférence en Recherche d'Informations et Applications - CORIA 2018, Rennes, France (2018)
- A. Lopez‑Rincon, A. Tonda, M. Elati, O. Schwander, B. Piwowarski, P. Gallinari : “Evolutionary optimization of convolutional neural networks for cancer miRNA biomarkers classification”, Applied Soft Computing, vol. 65, pp. 91-100, (Elsevier) (2018)
- G. Pasi, B. Piwowarski, L. Azzopardi, A. Hanbury : “Advances in Information Retrieval - 40th European Conference on IR Research, ECIR 2018, Grenoble, France, March 26-29, 2018, Proceedings”, 40th European Conference on IR Research - ECIR 2018, vol. 10772, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Grenoble, France, (Springer) (2018)
- É. Zablocki, B. Piwowarski, L. Soulier, P. Gallinari : “Learning Multi-Modal Word Representation Grounded in Visual Context”, Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), New Orleans, United States (2018)
- L. DOS SANTOS, B. Piwowarski, P. Gallinari : “Gaussian Embeddings for Collaborative Filtering”, Proceedings of the 40th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, Tokyo, Japan, pp. 1065-1068, (ACM) (2017)
- É. Zablocki, P. Bordes, L. Soulier, B. Piwowarski, P. Gallinari : “LIP6@CLEF2017: Multi-Modal Spatial Role Labeling using Word Embeddings Working notes”, CLEF 2017 Working Notes, Dublin, Ireland (2017)
- L. DOS SANTOS, B. Piwowarski, P. Gallinari : “Multilabel classification on heterogeneous graphs with gaussian embeddings”, ECML-PKDD 2016, Riva del garda, Italy (2016)
- B. Piwowarski : “Learning Term Weights for Ad-hoc Retrieval”, (2016)
- G. Singh, B. Piwowarski : “Efficient Document Indexing Using Pivot Tree”, (2016)
- N. Despres, S. Lamprier, B. Piwowarski : “Apprentissage de Modèles de Langue Neuronaux pour la Recherche d’Information”, Conférence en Recherche d'Infomations et Applications, Toulouse, France, pp. 717-732 (2016)
- Z. Kraljevic, N. Baskiotis, B. Piwowarski, P. Gallinari : “Représentation temporelle des mots : application au clustering de micro-blogs.”, Conférence en Recherche d'Infomations et Applications, Toulouse, France, pp. 531-544 (2016)
- B. Piwowarski, S. Lamprier, N. Despres : “Parameterized Neural Network Language Models for Information Retrieval”, (2015)
- L. DOS SANTOS, B. Piwowarski, P. Gallinari : “Graph Based Method Approach to the ImageCLEF2015 Task1 - Image Annotation”, Working Notes of CLEF 2015 - Conference and Labs of the Evaluation forum, Toulouse, France, September 8-11, 2015., vol. 1391, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Toulouse, France, (CEUR-WS.org) (2015)
- L.‑A. Gauthier, P. Gallinari, B. Piwowarski : “Leveraging Rating Behavior to Predict Negative Social Ties”, IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining, Paris, France, pp. 623-628, (ACM) (2015)
- L.‑A. Gauthier, B. Piwowarski, P. Gallinari : “Polarité des jugements et des interactions pour le filtrage collaboratif et la prédiction de liens sociaux”, CORIA 2015 - Conférence en Recherche d'Infomations et Applications - 12th French Information Retrieval Conference, Paris, France, March 18-20, 2015., Paris, France, pp. 139-154 (2015)
- L.‑A. Gauthier, B. Piwowarski, P. Gallinari : “Filtrage collaboratif et intégration de la polarité des notes”, Conférence en Recherche d'Infomations et Applications - 11th French Information Retrieval Conference, Nancy, France, pp. 11-26 (2014)
- M. Melucci, B. Piwowarski : “Quantum Mechanics and Information Retrieval: From Theory to Application”, 4th International Conference on the Theory of Information Retrieval, ICTIR 2013, Copenhagen, Denmark (2013)
- Z. Pehlivan, B. Piwowarski, S. Gançarski : “Diversification Based Static Index Pruning - Application to Temporal Collections”, (2013)
- Z. Pehlivan, B. Piwowarski, S. Gançarski : “A comparison of static index pruning methods with temporal queries”, SIGIR 2013 Workshop on Time-aware Information Access, TAIA2013, Dublin, Ireland, pp. 26-29 (2013)
- B. Piwowarski : “Méthodologie pour une représentation multi-dimensionnelle des documents”, CORIA 2013 - 10e COnférence en Recherche d'Information et Applications, Neuchâtel, Switzerland, pp. 227-236 (2013)
- G. Dupret, B. Piwowarski : “Model Based Comparison of Discounted Cumulative Gain and Average Precision”, Journal of Discrete Algorithms, vol. 18, pp. 49-62, (Elsevier) (2013)
- B. Piwowarski, M.‑R. Amini, M. Lalmas : “On using a quantum physics formalism for multidocument summarization”, Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, vol. 63 (5), pp. 865-888, (Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T)) (2012)
- B. Piwowarski : “The Kernel Quantum Probabilities (KQP) Library”, (2012)
- B. Piwowarski, G. Dupret, M. Lalmas : “Beyond Cumulated Gain and Average Precision: Including Willingness and Expectation in the User Model”, (2012)
- B. Piwowarski, R. Blanco : “Introducción a la recuperación de información”, chapitre de Recuperación de Información. Un enfoque práctico y multidisciplinar, (RA-MA) (2011)
- B. Piwowarski, P. Gallinari, G. Dupret : “Precision recall with user modeling (PRUM): Application to structured information retrieval”, ACM Transactions on Information Systems, vol. 25 (1), pp. 1-37, (Association for Computing Machinery) (2007)
- B. Piwowarski, P. Gallinari : “A Bayesian Network for XML Information Retrieval: Searching and Learning with the INEX Collection”, Information Retrieval Journal, vol. 8 (4), pp. 655-681, (Springer) (2005)
- J.‑N. Vittaut, B. Piwowarski, P. Gallinari : “An Algebra for Structured Queries in Bayesian Networks”, 3rd Workshop of the INitiative for the Evaluation of XML Retrieval (INEX'04), vol. 3493, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Dagstuhl, Germany, pp. 100-112, (Springer) (2004)
- H.‑T. Vu, B. Piwowarski, P. Gallinari : “Filtering in XML Retrieval: a Prospective Analysis”, SIGIR 2004 workshop on XML and Information Retrieval, Sheffield, United Kingdom (2004)
- B. Piwowarski, P. Gallinari : “An algebra for probabilistic XML Retrieval”, TDM 2004 - 1st Twente Data Management Workshop on XML Databases and Information Retrieval, Enschede, Netherlands (2004)
- B. Piwowarski, M. Lalmas : “Interface pour l’évaluation de systèmes de recherche sur des documents XML”, Première Conférence en Recherche d'Information et Applications (CORIA'04), Toulouse, France (2004)
- B. Piwowarski, P. Gallinari : “A Machine Learning Model for Information Retrieval with Structured Documents”, MLDM 2003 - 3rd International Conference on Machine Learning and Data Mining in Pattern Recognition, vol. 2734, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Leipzig, Germany, pp. 425-438, (Springer) (2003)
- B. Piwowarski, P. Gallinari : “Structure, recherche d’information et apprentissage”, Journées francophones d'Extraction et de Gestion des Connaissances, Lyon, France (2003)
- B. Piwowarski, G.‑E. Faure, P. Gallinari : “Bayesian networks and INEX”, First Annual Workshop of the Initiative for the Evaluation of XML retrieval (INEX), Dagstuhl, Germany, pp. 149-154 (2002)
- B. Piwowarski, G.‑E. Faure, P. Gallinari : “A Bayesian Network Model for Page Retrieval in a Hierarchically Structured Collection”, XML Workshop of the 25th ACM SIGIR Conference, Tampere, Finland (2002)
- B. Piwowarski, L. Denoyer, P. Gallinari : “Un modèle pour la recherche d’information sur des documents structurés”, 6es Journées internationales d'Analyse statistique des Données Textuelles (JADT 2002), Saint-Malo, France (2002)
- B. Piwowarski : “Learning in Information Retrieval: a Probabilistic Differential Approach”, BCS-IRSG, 22nd Annual Colloquium on Information Retrieval Research, Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge, United Kingdom (2000)
- B. Piwowarski : “Apprentissage et Recherche Documentaire : une Approche Probabiliste Différentielle”, Colloque Francophone sur l'Apprentissage Automatique (CAP'2000), Saint-Etienne, France (2000)