ABED Hamza

PhD graduated
Team : MOCAH
Departure date : 10/09/2019

Supervision : Thibault CARRON

Co-supervision : BEN AMAR Chokri, PERNELLE Philippe

Serious Game Design Models for Vocational Training. Application to the contexts of Factory of the future and the medical field

With the digital revolution nowadays, the factory and the company in general are faced with the need to employ innovative ways to train new employees from the Y and Z generations immersed in new technologies. The work presented in this thesis deals with the gamification of training in a way that is appropriate for the digital factory and the new generation of learners.
Having carried out experiments with employees from the industrial world, we identified several specific obstacles to vocational training, such as the need to integrate innovations into training, the need for upgradeable training or the difficulty of transforming existing training in a serious game.
Thus, at the end of the state of the art tools, methods and methodologies for creating serious games, we found that none of the existing solutions actually takes into account the locks found. This led us to propose a dual approach for gamification of learning modules.
The training module is based on a multi-faceted resource model (RMF) and a light iterative construction process (LGA). Our approach aims to help the trainer to gradually define the game scenario adapted to the content of his training. The concept of RMF makes it possible to characterize an important resource of the module without precisely describing the use scenario.

Defence : 10/09/2019

Jury members :

Jean-Pierre Jessel, Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse [rapporteur]
Dominique Groux, Université de Picardie, Amiens [rapportrice]
Chokri Ben Amar, Université de Sfax
Philippe Pernelle, AIP RAO, Université de Lyon
Thibault Carron, Lip6, Sorbonne Université
Jean-Marc Labat, Lip6, Sorbonne Université

Departure date : 10/09/2019

2015-2019 Publications