A. Ugon, K. Sedki, A. Kotti, B. Séroussi, C. Philippe, J.‑G. Ganascia, P. Garda, J. Bouaud, A. Pinna : “Decision system integrating preferences to support sleep staging”, Exploring Complexity in Health: An Interdisciplinary Systems Approach, vol. 228, Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, Munich, Germany, pp. 514-518, (IOS Press) (2016)
A. Ugon, B. Séroussi, C. Philippe, J.‑G. Ganascia, P. Garda, K. Sedki, J. Bouaud, A. Pinna : “Towards a Wireless Smart Polysomnograph Using Symbolic Fusion”, Transforming Healthcare with the Internet of Things, vol. 221, Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, Paris, France, pp. 23-27, (IOS Press) (2016)
Th. Vallée, K. Sedki, S. Despres, M.‑Christine Jaulant, K. Tabia, A. Ugon : “On Personalization in IoT”, International Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence (CSCI'16), Las Vegas, NV, United States, pp. 186-191, (IEEE) (2016)
Ch. Chen, A. Ugon, X. Zhang, A. Amara, P. Garda, J.‑G. Ganascia, C. Philippe, A. Pinna : “Personalized sleep staging system using evolutionary algorithm and symbolic fusion”, 2016 IEEE 38th Annual International Conference of the Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), Orlando, FL, United States, pp. 2266-2269 (2016)
N. Sukhorukova, A. Stranieri, B. Ofoghi, P. Vamplew, M. Saleem, L. Ma, A. Ugon, J. Ugon, N. Muecke, H. Amiel, C. Philippe, Ah. Bani‑Mustafa, Sh. Huda, M. Bertoli, P. Lévy, J.‑G. Ganascia : “Automatic sleep stage identification: difficulties and possible solutions”, Fourth Australasian Workshop on Health Informatics and Knowledge Management, HIKM'2010, vol. 108, CRPIT, Brisbane, Australia, pp. 39-44, (Australian Computer Society) (2010)
N. Sukhorukova, A. Stranieri, B. Ofoghi, P. Vamplew, M. Saleem, L. Ma, A. Ugon, J. Ugon, N. Muecke, H. Amiel, C. Philippe, Ah. Bani‑Mustafa, Sh. Huda, M. Bertoli, P. Lévy, J.‑G. Ganascia : “Automatic sleep stage identification: difficulties and possible solutions”, HIC 2009, Canberra, Australia (2009)
A. Ugon, C. Philippe, J.‑G. Ganascia, D. Rakotonanahary, H. Amiel, J.‑Y. Boire, P. Lévy : “Evaluating OPTISAS, a visual method to analyse sleep apnea syndromes.”, Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2009 (EMBC 2009), Minneapolis, MN, United States, pp. 4747-4750, (IEEE) (2009)
A. Ugon, C. Philippe, S. Pietrasz, J.‑G. Ganascia, P. Lévy : “OPTISAS a new method to analyse patients with Sleep Apnea Syndrome”, MIE 2008 - XXIst International Congress of the European Federation for Medical Informatics, vol. 136, Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, Göteborg, Sweden, pp. 547-552 (2008)