Team : CIAN - Analog and Digital Integrated Circuit

Axes : ASN (👥👥), SSR (👥👥), AID (👥).

Team leader :

Haralampos Stratigopoulos Campus Pierre et Marie Curie 24-25/402
Photo équipe


The research areas of CIAN team focus on design methods for analog and digital components which are integrated on the same chip (AMS-SOC). The main aim is to design generic components that can be adapted for a wide range of applications. Components differ depending upon the nature of the signal to process : signal processors (DSP), digital ASIC, programmable logic component (FPGA), analog circuits, multi-standard RF components and SOC Clocks. The CIAN team proposes a solution for design reuse.
The on-going research projects within the team are : CORIOLIS, ARITHLIB, CAIRO+ and HODISS.

Self-assessment Archives Thesis
Dessin Bulles HAL Staff directory 2 software 2 projects


ASIC Full Custom RF Interface AMS circuits FPGA

Selected publications