Forschungsgruppe : MALIRE - MAchine Learning and Information REtrieval

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Kurze Präsentation

Dessin Bulles HAL Adressverzeichnis 1 softwareprogramm

The main activities of the MALIRE team (Machine Learning and Information Retrieval) are based on artificial intelligence methods, and more specifically on theoretical and algorithmic aspects of machine learning. Its members are specialized in statistical learning, neural networks and probabilistic methods, as well as fuzzy logic and management of uncertainty in intelligent systems. Beside these fundamental research topics of interest, the team has tackled three important domains of application, namely text and multimedia information retrieval, complex data mining and risk forecasting and eventually user modelling and personalization of man-machine interactions. The topics of research of the MALIRE team are organized in five main non disjoint streams. The first one corresponds to theoretical foundations of machine learning, sequence analysis, management of structured data and inductive learning. The second one is devoted to the study of similarities and their cognitive foundations. The three other streams are focused on the domains of application we have described. MALIRE has various interactions with cognitive science and usage mining.

Selected publications


Januar 2004 → Dezember 2012