LIP6 2003/010

  • Technical report
    Actes de la conférence Calculemus 2003
  • Th. Hardin, R. Rioboo
  • 141 pages - 09/10/2003- document en - - 1,759 Ko
  • Contact : Renaud.Rioboo (at)
  • Ancien Thème : CALFOR
  • This report presents the proceedings of the Calculemus 2003 conference that was held in Rome on september 10-12 2003. Calculemus is aboutthe interaction between Computer Algebra systems and Prrof Deductionsystems. the conference was organized in conjunction with TABLEAUX 2003 and TPHOLs 2003.
  • Keywords : Calculemus, Proof systems, Computer Algebra
  • Publisher : David.Massot (at)