LIP6 1999/002

  • Thesis
    Adaptation dynamique de l'organisation dans les Systèmes Multi-Agents.
    Application à la conception des Systèmes Coopératifs Distribués et Ouverts
  • W. Merlat
  • 163 pages - 12/17/1998- document en - - 1,753 Ko
  • Contact : Walter.Merlat (at)
  • Ancien Thème : OASIS
  • By examining a kind of Multi-Agent System, "Cooperative Distributed and Open Systems" (CDOSs), we identify an important property of the dependence relationships that tie agents together: they are correlated.
    A survey of agent models, and in particular the Castelfranchi "social dependence" model, shows that they fail to address this issue properly.
    We propose an interaction procedure that takes into account the correlation of dependence
    relationships. It uses constraint satisfaction concepts, and is performed by mobile agents.
    The procedure is tested on a typical CDOS: the Travel Agency system. A mobile agent platform is also built for this purpose.
  • Keywords : multi-agent systems, interaction, mobile agents, cooperative distributed and open systems
  • Publisher : Valerie.Mangin (at)