LIP6 1998/044

  • Thesis
    Réutilisation de structures de données dans le domaine des réseaux électriques
  • Y. Chikhi
  • 206 pages - 10/26/1998- document en - - 509 Ko
  • Contact : Yasmina.Chikhi (at)
  • Ancien Thème : OASIS
  • The works which is described in this PhD Thesis is dealing with the reuse applied to the electrical domain, particulary, the problems concerned with the design of reusable components and the modeling of electrical networks by reusing this components. We have performed a detailed analysis of electrical networks models used by several applications which cover two domains, planning and control, and two voltage levels : high (440-63 kv) and medium (20 kv). Our analysis is based on identifying common data used by the two domains and the two voltage levels. The complexity of the data leads to structure the components with the notion of a point of view. A point of view regroups the characteristics of a same nature. So we have identified some components which are common to the two domains and the two levels and a typology of points of views based on the common components identifed.
    The library elaborated is composed with reusable components which are structured in points of view and classified according to the field of application. We have used the meta-modeling approach to define a formalism to represent our components. The meta-model elaborated is considered like a second dimension to the reuse ans is used to unify the representation of a component or an electrical network.
    We have chosen the UML notation to represent the elements of our formalism. The collection of components identified is not complete and the composition of the components to elaborate a network is limited. To solve this limitations, we propose a third form of reuse which is reprensented by a catalog of patterns which is composed with solutions and rules for modeling components.
    We have implemented our methodology of reuse for creating an electrical model according to two approachs. The first is based on using a meta-tool Metagen and the second is based on using a case tool Rose which supports the UML notation. We have made experiments on the CEREX application to evaluate the adaptation of our components, to test the solutions described in the patterns and to verifiy the typology of points of view identified.
  • Keywords : Component, Pattern, Reuse, Point of view, Meta-model, Engineering of models
  • Publisher : Valerie.Mangin (at)