LIP6 2001/011

  • Reports
    Un framework pour la conception de systèmes multi-agents adaptatifs
  • S. Landau, S. Doncieux, A. Drogoul, J.-A. Meyer
  • 27 pages - 06/09/2001- document en - - 154 Ko
  • Contact : Samuel.Landau (at)
  • Ancien Thème : OASIS
  • We present the main aspects of a framework of artificial evolution and multi-agent simulation facilitating the integration of learning by evolutionnary algorithms in the design of adaptive multi-agent systems. In the first part of the article, we briefly present the concepts and the techniques of the various existing evolutionnary algorithms. The secund part is devoted to the presentation of the framework and its two main constituent. The general structure of SFERES, the design directions, and the extensions feasibilities of the framework are explained and illustrated there. We conclude by mentionning the applications that already take advantage from the environment and facilities of SFERES, and by evoking the development perspectives of the framework.
  • Keywords : framework, multi-agent learning, artificial evolution, multi-agent simulation
  • Publisher : Valerie.Mangin (at)