LIP6 2001/004

  • Thesis
    Conception en vue de la réutilisation de Circuits Analogiques. Application : Modulateur Delta-Sigma à très Faible Tension
  • M. Dessouky
  • 211 pages - 01/18/2001- document en - - 2,310 Ko
  • Contact : Mohamed.Dessouky (at)
  • Ancien Thème : ASIM
  • Analog design reuse is becoming more and more important in recent system-on-chip designs. In these designs electrical and physical design integration is a challenging problem specially when designing high performance analog circuits in different technologies. To solve this problem, we propose a new design methodology based on a layout-oriented synthesis approach that allows to capture design knowledge for eventual reuse with a close interaction between electrical and physical design. This methodology guarantees the fulfillment of the required performance specifications, permits to optimize various design aspects in the presence of parasitics and shortens the overall design time by avoiding laborious sizing-layout iterations. The methodology has been implemented using two knowledge-based tools dedicated to analog circuit sizing (COMDIAC) and layout generation (CAIRO). The tools allow both the design knowledge and the generated layout to be efficiently reused in similar designs. To validate the previous claims, we have chosen low-voltage low-power analog circuits as an application. Our study has led to new circuit architectures that allow very low-voltage switched-capacitor circuit operation in standard CMOS technologies. Using the above methodology and circuit techniques, we have designed, fabricated, and tested a 1-V 14-bit Delta-Sigma A/D modulator for digital-audio applications. Two similar designs are then resynthesized in another technology demonstrating the suitability of the methodology for very high performance mixed-signal circuits.
  • Keywords : Analog Design Reuse, Analog Design Automation, Procedural Layout Generation, Delta-Sigma Modulator, Low-Voltage, Switched-Capacitor
  • Publisher : Francois.Dromard (at)