Séminaire SMA


Structural and Epistemic Approaches to Probabilistic Argumentation

Lundi 30 novembre 2015
Intervenant(s) : Pr. Anthony HUNTER (University College London)

Argumentation can be modelled at an abstract level using an argument graph (i.e. a directed graph where each node denotes an argument and each arc denotes an attack by one argument on another). Since argumentation involves uncertainty, it is potentially valuable to consider how this can quantified in argument graphs. In this talk, we will consider two probabilistic approaches for modeling uncertainty in argumentation. The first is the structural approach which involves a probability distribution over the subgraphs of the argument graph, and this can be used to represent the uncertainty over the structure of the graph. The second is the epistemic approach which involves a probability distribution over the subsets of the arguments, and this can be used to represent the uncertainty over which arguments are believed. The epistemic approach can be constrained to be consistent with Dung’s dialectical semantics, but it can also be used as a potential valuable alternative to Dung’s dialectical semantics. We will consider applications of probabilistic argumentation in handling enthymemes (arguments with incomplete premises) and in selecting moves in an argumentation dialogue.

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cedric.herpson (at) nulllip6.fr