Workshop/JTE ASF


Workshop/JTE ASF on Managed runtimes

Vendredi 6 juin 2014
Intervenant(s) : Tony Hosking (University of Purdue), Lokesh Gidra (Inria/LIP6), Jenifer B. Sartor (Ghent University)

The Whisper team (Inria/LIP6) in conjunction with ASF (Association SIGOPS de France) is organizing a JTE on the topics of managed runtimes


  • 10:00 AM - Tony Hosking (University of Purdue)
    Verifying on-the-fly concurrent garbage collection for x86-TSO
  • 11:00 AM - Coffee break
  • 11:30 AM - Lokesh Gidra (Inria/LIP6)
    NumaGiC: a garbage collector for big data on big NUMA machines
  • 12:00 AM - Lunch break
  • 1:45 PM - Jenifer B. Sartor (Ghent University)
    Cooperative Cache Scrubbing
  • 2:15 PM - Florian David (Inria/LIP6)
    Continuously Measuring Critical Section Pressure with the Free-Lunch Profiler
  • 2:45 PM - Coffee break
  • 3:15 PM - Thomas Gazagnaire (University of Cambridge)
    Branch Consistency or how to design a flexible version controlled database
  • 3:45 PM - Clément Bera (Inria Lille)
    A new approach to adaptive optimization for dynamic object-oriented language
  • 4:15 PM - End of the day

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gael.thomas (at)