Séminaire REGAL


HPC at Exascale : Scenarios, Software challenges and Research opportunities

Mercredi 10 novembre 2010
Intervenant(s) : Franck Capello

The next frontier of the HPC community is Exascale computing. Studies have started at several key players of HPC. These studies reveal potential scenarios for hardware and software raising many open questions. The community has launched several road mapping initiatives, research laboratories, academic/military funding programs to organize research and development toward solving critical issues with realistic solutions. As the community moves forward and candidate architectures get more defined, the technical issues on software and applications get more challenging. In this talk, I will present where the community is in this endeavor to Exascale computing, what are the main scenarios envisioned for Exascale architectures, what are the consequences on software. We will in particular focus on fault tolerance since this problem is identified as one of the main issues to solve before Exascale and is linked to two other critical issues that are scalability&locality and the reduction of energy consumption.
For more info : http://regal.lip6.fr/spip.php?breve13

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Sebastien.Monnet (at) nulllip6.fr