Séminaire Donnees et APprentissage Artificiel


Soft Computing for Sensor and Algorithm Fusion

Jeudi 20 mai 2010
Intervenant(s) : James M. Keller (University of Missouri, USA and LIP6)

Sensor and algorithm fusion is playing an increasing role in many application domains. As detection and recognition problems become more complex and costly (for example, landmine detection and automatic activity monitoring), it is apparent that no single source of information can provide the ultimate solution. However, complementary information can be derived from multiple sources. Given a set of outputs from constituent sources, there are many frameworks within which to combine the pieces into a more definitive answer. This talk will focus on the fusion of multiple partial confidence values within the framework of fuzzy set theory. So, the question then becomes: what methodology do we use to combine partial decision information? There are many choices, but I will focus on the use of fuzzy set theoretic mechanisms to fuse confidence from multiple sources. Two general approaches will be considered, fuzzy integrals and fuzzy logic rule-based systems. Fuzzy integrals have a long history and have been studied in the context of pattern recognition and information fusion for several years being first introduced for this purpose by Tahani and Keller in 1990. Fuzzy integrals combine the objective evidence supplied by each information source with the expected worth of each subset of information sources (via a fuzzy measure) to assign confidence to hypotheses or to rank alternatives in decision making. This is a nonlinear combination of information and the worth of the information for the decision in question, dealing with the uncertainty in both forms of data. Different fuzzy measures yield different integration operations, including averaging, linear combinations of order statistics, and many others. Measures can be found by heuristic assignment or via training algorithms. Results with discriminative training will be discussed. Next, a fusion system based on a linguistic extension of the Choquet fuzzy integral will be shown. The uncertainty in the data is now expressed as a linguistic vector, i.e., a vector of fuzzy sets. The linguistic Choquet integral is used to fuse both position and confidence uncertainty in the landmine detection scenario. Fuzzy logic rule-based systems provide another mechanism to fuse together the results of different features, classification algorithms and sensors. Such a system employs rules much like those that a human expert might derive. Again, uncertainty in the component parts is modeled by linguistic variables taking on fuzzy sets as values. If time permits, I will describe the application of fuzzy rule-based classifiers in image processing and/or landmine detection and/or fall detection in an Eldercare environment.
Biographic Sketch
James M. Keller received the Ph.D. in Mathematics in 1978. He holds the University of Missouri Curators’ Professorship in the Electrical and Computer Engineering and Computer Science Departments on the Columbia campus. He is also the R. L. Tatum Professor in the College of Engineering. His research interests center on computational intelligence: fuzzy set theory and fuzzy logic, neural networks, and evolutionary computation with a focus on problems in computer vision, pattern recognition, and information fusion including bioinformatics, spatial reasoning in robotics, geospatial intelligence, sensor and information analysis in technology for eldercare, and landmine detection. His industrial and government funding sources include the Electronics and Space Corporation, Union Electric, Geo-Centers, National Science Foundation, the Administration on Aging, The National Institutes of Health, NASA/JSC, the Air Force Office of Scientific Research, the Army Research Office, the Office of Naval Research, the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency, the Leonard Wood Institute, and the Army Night Vision and Electronic Sensors Directorate. Professor Keller has coauthored over 350 technical publications.
Jim is a Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) for whom he has presented live and video tutorials on fuzzy logic in computer vision, is an International Fuzzy Systems Association (IFSA) Fellow, an IEEE Computational Intelligence Society Distinguished Lecturer, a national lecturer for the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) from 1993 to 2007, and a past President of the North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society (NAFIPS). He received the 2007 Fuzzy Systems Pioneer Award from the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society. He finished a full six year term as Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, is an Associate Editor of the International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, and is on the editorial board of Pattern Analysis and Applications, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, International Journal of Fuzzy Systems, and the Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems. Jim was the Vice President for Publications of the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society from 2005-2008, and is currently an elected Adcom member. He was the conference chair of the 1991 NAFIPS Workshop, program co-chair of the 1996 NAFIPS meeting, program co-chair of the 1997 IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks, and the program chair of the 1998 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems. He was the general chair for the 2003 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems.

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Thomas.Baerecke (at) nulllip6.fr