XFabric: reconfigurable network topologies at rack scale
Mercredi 1er avril 2015
Intervenant(s) : Sergey Legtchenko, Microsoft Research Cambridge

Systems like the AMD SeaMicro, HP Moonshot and Boston Viridis are commercially available high density clusters with networking, compute and storage in a single chassis. They demonstrate techniques that will be used in datacenters to scale to a thousand of servers per rack, as opposed to about 40 today. In particular, the network is scaled by replacing the traditional Top of Rack switch by a distributed switching fabric in which each CPU is co-located with a (packet) switch, at the extreme on the processor silicon as a system-on-a-chip (SoC). These switches are interconnected creating multi-hop topologies (e.g., a 3D Torus).
Distributed fabrics are not fully provisioned: they do not have full bi-section bandwidth and the latency between servers is a function of the number of hops. There is no optimal topology for all workloads and the static topology design impacts workload performance. The talk will describe XFabric, a reconfigurable rack-scale network for SoCs with embedded packet switches. XFabric is a packet-switched network running over a physical circuit-switched network. The circuit-switched network allows the physical topology of the network to be dynamically changed to adapt to workload traffic.
Orateur : Sergey Legtchenko, Microsoft Research Cambridge

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marc.shapiro (at)