Dynamic Spectrum Sharing: Licensed - Unlicensed Access

Friday, June 23, 2017
Bijan JABBARI (George Mason University, USA)

The recent growth in the use of wireless for broadband multimedia communications has made access to more spectrum a necessity. As new services are introduced, it is becoming important that due to the shortage of interference-free radio spectrum, the total aggregate spectrum to be efficiently used. Thus, innovations in spectrum access and sharing will be needed. A key element of spectrum access technology is its ability to develop and maintain an accurate description of the spectrum usage within the system’s operating bands. This involves spectrum sensing and models that describe temporal and spatial statistics as well as mobile node location. This talk addresses the progress made in spectrum sharing. It will review techniques and technologies for use in Licensed and Unlicensed bands and discuss the important issues and possible solutions within the context of LTE, 5G and enhanced Wi-Fi, Cognitive Radio and highly scalable future spectral efficient communications.

Bio Bijan Jabbari is a professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at George Mason University. He is also an affiliated faculty with Telecom Paris-Tech in France. Dr. Jabbari’s areas of specialization and interests are in wireless communications networks with particular emphasis on multi-user access, resource allocation, mobility and performance optimization, and cognitive radio networks. He is a Fellow of IEEE, an IET Fellow and received the IEEE Millennium Medal. He is a recipient of the Washington DC Metropolitan Area Engineer of the Year Award, in 2003. He is the past chairman of the IEEE Communications Society technical committee on Communications Switching and Routing. He received the Outstanding Faculty Research Award in 2013 in the School of Engineering in 2013. He was the General Chair of the IEEE GLOBECOM held in Washington DC in December 2016. He has served in various editorial capacities for a number of IEEE journals and transactions including the IEEE Transactions on Communications, Division Editor for Wireless Communications of the Journal of Communications and Networks (JCN), and the editorial board of the Proceedings of the IEEE as well as serving in different editorship capacities for several other journals. He received PhD and MS degree from Stanford University, California, in Electrical Engineering.

guy.pujolle (at)