

Two-Dimensional Tailoring of Real-Time Operating System Kernels: Rethinking the Hardware--Application Bridge

Thursday, January 15, 2015
Speaker(s) : Friedrich Alexander (Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany)

System software provides no business value of its own. Its sole purpose is to provide the "right" set of abstractions for the particular application use case: The functional and nonfunctional requirements of the application have to be mapped efficiently to the functional and nonfunctional properties of the hardware. The "ideal" system software does not impair the resulting footprint, robustness, dependability, or predictability by abstractions and policies that do not serve the application's needs. Between the application and the hardware, the effects of system software should be as "thin" as possible.
In our research, we address this goal by the automatic application--hardware tailoring of system software. Platform-specific hardware particularities are not blindly abstracted, but embraced and exploited to optimize the system software with respect to the concrete application. Our targets reach from Linux-based special-purpose systems over future parallel computing systems based on customized hardware down to automotive hard real-time systems on standard embedded platforms -- which will be the focus of the talk. The resulting systems excel with respect to many important nonfunctional properties, including memory footprint, event latency, priority obedience, and robustness against transient faults.

More details here …
Julia.Lawall (at) nulllip6.fr