Séminaire Phare


SOUP: An Online Social Network by the People, for the People

Monday, December 8, 2014
Speaker(s) : Xiaoming Fu (Univ. of Goettingen, Germany)

Concomitant with the tremendous growth of online social networking (OSN) platforms are increasing concerns from users about their privacy and the protection of their data. As user data management is usually centralized, OSN providers nowadays have the unprecedented privilege to access every user's private data, which makes large-scale privacy leakage at a single site possible. One way to address this issue is to decentralize user data management and replicate user data at individual end-user machines across the OSN. However, such an approach must address new challenges and recent works in this direction only show limited success. In this work we introduce a new, decentralized OSN called the Self-Organized Universe of People (SOUP). SOUP employs a scalable, robust and secure mirror selection design and can effectively distribute and manage encrypted user data replicas throughout the OSN. Extensive evaluations by simulation and a real-world deployment show that SOUP solves the key challenges decentralized OSNs currently face. This is joint work with David Koll (Univ Göttingen) and Jun Li (Univ Oregon).
Short bio: Xiaoming Fu received his Ph.D. in computer science from Tsinghua University, China in 2000. He was a research staff at Technical University Berlin until joining the University of Göttingen, Germany in 2002, where he has been a professor and heads the computer networks group since 2007. His research interests are architectures, protocols, and applications for networked systems, including information dissemination, mobile networking, cloud computing and social networks.

stefano.secci (at) nulllip6.fr