SyncFree - ASF


Workshop on Database Consistency in the Cloud

Monday, September 15, 2014 to 09/16/2014

Consistency is one of the fundamental issues of distributed computing. Theoretically, there are many competing consistency models, all subtly different and hard to understand. In practice, the well-known the Consistency-Availability-Partition Tolerance trade-off translates to difficult choices between fault tolerance, performance, and programmability. The issues and trade-offs are particularly vexing with a large number of processes, with a large shared database, and in the presence of high latency and failure-prone networks. It is clear that there is no one universally best solution. In order to better understand the issues and solution space, you are invited to attend an open Workshop on Database Consistency in the Cloud. The invited speakers are among the best experts in Europe and in the world, and there will be ample time for informal discussion.


  • Monday 15 September, 9:00–12:00
    • PhD defense of Pierpaolo Cincilla: Gargamel: boosting DBMS performance by parallelising write transactions.
  • Monday 15 September, 14:00 – Tuesday 16 September 15:00
    • Alan Fekete, U. of Sydney: The diversity of consistency properties for cloud data management.
    • Doug Terry, MSR Silicon Valley: Building Pileus on Azure.
    • Guillaume Pierre, U. de Rennes-1: Heterogeneous Resource Selection for Batch Applications in the Cloud.
    • Maria Potop-Butucaru, UPMC-LIP6: Fault-tolerant and Byzantine-tolerant implementation of stabilizing registers in message passing.
    • Nuno Preguiça, U. Nova de Lisboa: Putting the consistency back into eventual consistency.
    • Patrick Valduriez, Inria: MdbQL: a multidatabase query language for SQL and NoSQL in the cloud.
    • Peter Dickman, Google Zürich: Why global public clouds change nothing, and everything, w.r.t achieving consistency.
    • Roberto Baldoni, U. di Roma: Keeping strong consistency in dynamic and multi-datacenter environments.
    • Vivien Quéma, Grenoble INP: Paxos++: Practical Geo-Replication Beyond Crash Faults.
    • Willy Zwaenepoel, EPFL: Causal dependency without causal dependency check messages.
  • Tuesday 16 September, 15:30–18:00
    • PhD defense of Masoud Saeida-Ardekani: Ensuring Consistency in Partial Replication Systems.
Sponsored by the SyncFree EU project.
In cooperation with ASF (Association Sigops de France).

More details here …
marc.shapiro (at)