Séminaire Donnees et APprentissage Artificiel


Abductive reasoning made easy with Prolog and Constraint Handling Rules

Monday, November 4, 2013
Speaker(s) : Abductive reasoning made easy with Prolog and Constraint Handling Rules (Roskilde University)

Abductive reasoning, or "abduction", means to find a best explanation for some unexpected observation. In a logical setting, an explanation can be a set of facts which, when added to our current knowledge base, makes it possible to prove the truth of the observation and, at the same time, is not inconsistent with the knowledge base. Abduction in this sense is a useful metaphor for many sorts of reasoning aiming at answering "why" or "what" questions such as medical diagnosis, language understanding and decoding of biological sequence data. Furthermore, models of abductive reasoning can lead to practical implementation techniques.
Introduced by Peirce, the notion has attracted much attention in philosophy, detective stories and computer science, most notably in logic programming. Until the shift of the millennium, abduction in logic programming was realized through complex meta-interpreters written in Prolog, which may have led to a view of abduction as being some hairy, difficult stuff, far too inefficient for any realistic applications. In this talk, we demonstrate how a fairly powerful version of abductive reasoning can be exercised through a direct use of Prolog, using its extension by Constraint Handling Rules as the engine to take care of abducible hypotheses.

More details here …
benjamin.piwowarski (at) nulllip6.fr