Collaborative logistics in Short Food Supply Chain: a game-theoretic approach

Wednesday, December 18, 2024
Nicolas Besson (G-Scop, Grenoble)

63-saveurs is an association that unites around 30 farmers in Puy-de-Dôme, France, to collectively manage the pickup and delivery of fresh produce. Cooperative game theory allows us to model their functioning as a Transferable Utility game, and to define and measure fairness in the context of the association. Historical data (2021–2024) reveals that their current method satisfies, for instance, the individual rationality constraint (i.e., all farmers pay less than they would if they did not cooperate). We will explore alternative fair cost allocations schemes, including marginal cost constraints, to strengthen stability and improve collaboration. This presentation aims to highlight how game theory can address logistical challenges in Short Food Supply Chain. We study alternatives for when the aimed fairness criteria are not attainable, such as subsidizing and “minimizing” instability.