GT Pequan


Optimal Word-Length Allocation for the Fixed-Point Implementation of Linear Filters and Controllers

Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Speaker(s) : Thibault Hilaire (Pequan)

Agenda : pequan dans ownCloud Date : mardi 5 novembre 2019 Heure : 16:00 Durée : 1 heure 30 minutes Description : Optimal Word-Length Allocation for the Fixed-Point Implementation of Linear Filters and Controllers
In this presentation, a word-length optimization problem under accuracy constraints is presented. It concerns the hardware implementation of linear signal processing systems with fixed-point arithmetic. For State-Space systems (describing a linear filter or a controller), a complete error analysis is exhibited, where the final output error bound depends on the word-lengths and the fixed-point formats chosen for each variable. The Most Significant Bit of each one can be determined in order to guarantee that no overflow occurs. Thus, it is possible to obtain a hardware implementation minimizing resource use. This leads to a convex nonlinear integer optimization problem where the resources to minimize and the accuracy constraints depend on the internal word-lengths. This problem can then be solved with appropriate heuristics.
This work, done with Hacène Ouzia and Benoit Lopez, has been presented at ARITH26 conference, in June.

More details here …
Marc.Mezzarobba (at)