

Implementation of non-uniform constellation techniques for the DTMB standard

Submission deadline 10/24/2019
Friday, October 25, 2019
Speaker(s) : Irina Siles Siles (Central University “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas (UCLV), Cuba)

Abstract : In this work, a study of the advanced modulation techniques is made, specifically of the NUC (Non Uniform Constellations) and their behavior when they are applied to DTT (Digital Terrestrial Television) standards. This statement is based on following the current DTT trends that impose a challenge in terms of spectrum optimization.
Short bio: Graduated in Telecommunications and Electronics Engineering in 2007 at the Central University Marta Abreu of Las Villas, belonging to the faculty staff of the Department of Telecommunications and Electronics, Master in Telematics (UCLV, 2016). Her research interests focus on: source and channel coding, dynamic spectrum allocation, digital television, new generation of communications networks.

Thi-Mai-Trang.Nguyen (at)