

Cooperation Architecture for Service-Oriented C-ITS: From Microcosmic Optimization to Macrocosmic Forecasting

Thursday, June 13, 2019
Speaker(s) : Kailong Zhang (Northwestern Polytechnical University, China)

- Title : Cooperation Architecture for Service-Oriented C-ITS: From Microcosmic Optimization to Macrocosmic Forecasting
- Abstract :
Cooperative Intelligent Transportation System (C-ITS) has been becoming the main trend for ITS with the rapid developing of connected vehicles and vehicular networks (such as 5G/LTE based V2X). We can envision that such novel systems will become important service infrastructures for future smart city, and driverless vehicles will be carriers of diverse missions such as emergency vehicles, shuttle vehicles, logistics vehicles, taxi, and private vehicles etc. From this aspect, connected vehicles will obviously have different service and cooperation properties, and also QoS-oriented cooperation have become one vital aspect. In this talk, novel connotations of cooperation of C-ITS will be analyzed firstly, and then, one service-oriented cooperation architecture, covering models, mechanisms, and verification methods, will be presented and demonstrated.
- Bio :
Dr. ZHANG Kailong is an associate professor in school of computer science and technology, Northwestern Polytechnical University (NPU), China, since 2010. He obtained his MS degree and PhD degree at 2003 and 2009 respectively. He has been connected with Networked Embedded Computing and Technology Laboratory in NPU since 2003. Now, he is also a researcher and the assistant director of Shaanxi Provincial Key Laboratory of Embedded System Technology.
He has been conducting studies on intelligent embedded computing, covering the architecture, adaptive real-time computing, intelligent mechanisms and design methods for autonomous Cyber-Physical Systems, especially intelligent robots, etc. From 2012 to 2014, he was a post-doctor with the CyberCars program of the Center of Robotics in Mines ParisTech, Paris, France, mainly working on the cooperative mechanisms of multiple driverless vehicles by using state-driven automatic control and vehicular ad-hoc networks. In the field, he has undertaken/participated several China national/provincial important research projects supported by NSFC, NDRC etc.
He has published more than 60 academic papers on international transactions, journals, and conferences, and obtained 5 China inventive patents and 12 software copyrights. Recently, he has won several awards for his research, including a HP scholarship (2006), a Shaanxi Provincial first Prize award of Science and Technology (2006), and a Chinese Ten Youths Award in Embedded System Domain (2011) and so on. Now, he also serves as the Guest Editor, AE, PC member and reviewer to several international journals, typically including “IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems”, “Elsevier-Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications”, “Oxford-The Computer Journal”, “Elsevier-Ad Hoc Networks”, “Wiley-Security and Communication Networks”, “Chinese Journal of Computers”, “Chinese Acta Automatica Sinica”, and also PC m to serial international conferences, such as IEEE ITSC, IEEE IV, IEEE PiCOM, IEEE ICESS, IEEE/ACIS ICIS, IEEE/AICS SNPD etc.

Thi-Mai-Trang.Nguyen (at)