Publications 2019-2024
Articles de revues
Autres Publications
F. Grosshans, M. Horodecki, M. Murao, T. Młynik, M. Quintino, M. Studziński, S. Yoshida : “Multicopy quantum state teleportation with application to storage and retrieval of quantum programs ”, (2024)
P. Fittipaldi, K. Teramoto, N. Benchasattabuse, M. Hajdušek, R. Van Meter, F. Grosshans : “Entanglement Swapping in Orbit: a Satellite Quantum Link Case Study ”, IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering, Montreal, Canada (2024)
U. Meyer, I. Šupić, D. Markham, F. Grosshans : “Bell Nonlocality from Wigner Negativity in Qudit Systems ”, (2024)
U. Meyer, I. Šupić, F. Grosshans, D. Markham : “Self-Testing Graph States Permitting Bounded Classical Communication ”, (2024)
P. Fittipaldi, A. Giovanidis, F. Grosshans : “A Linear Algebraic Framework for Dynamic Scheduling Over Memory-Equipped Quantum Networks ”, IEEE Transactions on Quantum Engineering, vol. 5, pp. 1-18, (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) (2024)
P. Hilaire, Y. Castor, E. Barnes, S. Economou, F. Grosshans : “Linear optical logical Bell state measurements with optimal loss-tolerance threshold ”, PRX Quantum, vol. 4 (4), pp. 040322, (APS Physics) (2023)
F. Centrone, F. Grosshans, V. Parigi : “Cost and Routing of Continuous Variable Quantum Networks ”, Physical Review A, vol. 108 (4), pp. 042615, (American Physical Society) (2023)
U. Meyer, F. Grosshans, D. Markham : “Inflated Graph States Refuting Communication-Assisted LHV Models ”, Physical Review A, vol. 108 (1), pp. 012402, (American Physical Society) (2023)
G. Sorelli, N. Treps, F. Grosshans, F. Boust : “Detecting a target with quantum entanglement ”, IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine, (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) (2021)
C. Meignant, F. Grosshans, D. Markham : “Classical-quantum network coding: a story about tensor ”, (2021)
L. Colisson, F. Grosshans, E. Kashefi : “Non-Destructive Zero-Knowledge Proofs on Quantum States, and Multi-Party Generation of Authorized Hidden GHZ States ”, (2021)
U. Chabaud, F. Grosshans, E. Kashefi, D. Markham : “Efficient verification of Boson Sampling ”, Quantum, vol. 5, pp. 578, (Verein) (2021)
P. Hilaire, E. Barnes, S. Economou, F. Grosshans : “Error-correcting entanglement swapping using a practical logical photon encoding ”, Physical Review A, vol. 104 (5), pp. 052623, (American Physical Society) (2021)
U. Chabaud, G. Ferrini, F. Grosshans, D. Markham : “Classical simulation of Gaussian quantum circuits with non-Gaussian input states ”, Physical Review Research, vol. 3 (3), pp. 033018, (American Physical Society) (2021)
U. Chabaud, P.‑E. Emériau, F. Grosshans : “Witnessing Wigner Negativity ”, Quantum, vol. 5, pp. 471, (Verein) (2021)
U. Chabaud, G. Roeland, M. Walschaers, F. Grosshans, V. Parigi, D. Markham, N. Treps : “Certification of Non-Gaussian States with Operational Measurements ”, PRX Quantum, vol. 2 (2), pp. 020333, (APS Physics) (2021)
A. Olivo, U. Chabaud, A. Chailloux, F. Grosshans : “Breaking simple quantum position verification protocols with little entanglement ”, (2020)
U. Chabaud, T. Douce, F. Grosshans, E. Kashefi, D. Markham : “Building trust for continuous variable quantum states ”, 15th Conference on the Theory of Quantum Computation, Communication and Cryptography (TQC 2020), vol. 158, Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs), Riga, Latvia, pp. 3:1-3:15, (Schloss Dagstuhl--Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik) (2020)
U. Chabaud, D. Markham, F. Grosshans : “Stellar representation of non-Gaussian quantum states ”, Physical Review Letters, (American Physical Society) (2020)
C. Meignant, D. Markham, F. Grosshans : “Distributing Graph States Over Arbitrary Quantum Networks ”, Physical Review A, vol. 100, pp. 052333, (American Physical Society) (2019)
F. Arzani, G. Ferrini, F. Grosshans, D. Markham : “Random coding for sharing bosonic quantum secrets ”, Physical Review A, vol. 100 (2), pp. 022303, (American Physical Society) (2019)
M. Bozzio, E. Diamanti, F. Grosshans : “Semi-device-independent quantum money with coherent states ”, Physical Review A, vol. 99 (2), pp. 022336, (American Physical Society) (2019)