GERVAIS Marie-Pierre
Équipe : MoVe
Tel: 01 44 27 73 65, Marie-Pierre.Gervais (at)
Équipe : MoVe
- Sorbonne Université - LIP6
Boîte courrier 169
Couloir 25-26, Étage 2, Bureau 211
4 place Jussieu
75252 PARIS CEDEX 05
Tel: 01 44 27 73 65, Marie-Pierre.Gervais (at)
Douze docteurs (2001 - 2019) à Sorbonne Université
- 2019
- EFFA BELLA Emma : Apports des techniques d’apprentissage semi-supervisées dans l’établissement de liens entre artefacts de conception.
- 2016
- KHELLADI Djamel Eddine : Co-évolution des contraintes OCL suite à l'évolution des métamodèles.
- 2015
- LAURENT Yoann : Alloy4PV : Un Framework pour la Vérification de Procédés Métiers.
- 2013
- WOUTERS Laurent : Infrastructure pour la modélisation multi-domaines orientée experts.
- 2012
- ALMEIDA DA SILVA Marcos Aurélio : Détection et Traitement des Déviations dans les Environnements de développement logiciel centrés procédés.
- FALL Ibrahima : Gestion Optimisée de Produits-Modèles de Procédés Logiciels.
- 2010
- MOUGENOT Alix : Praxis: Détection des incohérences dans les modèles répartis.
- 2007
- JEVARDAT DE FOMBELLE Grégory : Gestion incrémentale des propriétés de cohérence structurelle dans l'ingénierie dirigée par les modèles.
- BENDRAOU Reda : UML4SPM: Un Langage de Modélisation de Procédés De Développement Logiciel Exécutable Et Orienté Modèle.
- SRIPLAKICH Prawee : ModelBus : un environnement réparti et ouvert pour l’ingénierie de modèles.
- 2006
- BOUZITOUNA Salim : Construction d'applications réparties par réutilisation de modèles dans l'approche MDA : application à la plate-forme EJB.
- 2001
- BLANC Xavier : Méthodologie de développement d’applications coopératives selon les points de vue ODP et leurs corrélations.
Publications 1989-2019
- E. EFFA BELLA, S. Creff, M.‑P. Gervais, R. Bendraou : “ATLaS: A Framework for Traceability Links Recovery Combining Information Retrieval and Semi-supervised Techniques”, 23RD IEEE INTERNATIONAL EDOC CONFERENCE - THE ENTERPRISE COMPUTING CONFERENCE, Paris, France (2019)
- E. EFFA BELLA, L. Wouters, M.‑P. Gervais, A. Koudri, R. Bendraou : “Semi-supervised Approach for Recovering Traceability Links in Complex Systems”, ICECCS 2018 - 23rd International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems, Melbourne, Australia (2018)
- D. Khelladi, R. Bendraou, R. Hebig, M.‑P. Gervais : “A semi-automatic maintenance and co-evolution of OCL constraints with (meta)model evolution”, Journal of Systems and Software, vol. 134, pp. 242-260, (Elsevier) (2017)
- D. Khelladi, R. Bendraou, R. Hebig, M.‑P. Gervais : “Coadapting multidimension process properties”, Journal of Software: Evolution and Process, vol. 29 (11), Special Issue: Process in Action: The Best Papers from The International Conference on Software and Systems Process 2016, pp. e1860, (John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.) (2017)
- D. Khelladi, R. Bendraou, M.‑P. Gervais : “AD-ROOM: a tool for automatic detection of refactorings in object-oriented models”, Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on Software Engineering, ICSE 2016, Austin, TX, USA, May 14-22, 2016 - Companion Volume, Austin, United States, pp. 617-620, (ACM) (2016)
- D. Khelladi, R. Bendraou, R. Hebig, M.‑P. Gervais : “Supporting the co-adaption of process properties”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Software and Systems Process, Austin, TX, United States, pp. 1-5, (ACM) (2016)
- D. Khelladi, R. Hebig, R. Bendraou, J. Robin, M.‑P. Gervais : “Detecting complex changes and refactorings during (Meta)model evolution”, Information Systems, vol. 62, Information Systems, (Elsevier) (2016)
- D. Khelladi, R. Bendraou, M.‑P. Gervais : “SAC-OCL: A Tool for A Semi Automatic Co-evolution of OCL Constraints”, Proceedings of the MoDELS 2016 Demo and Poster Sessions co-located with ACM/IEEE 19th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MoDELS 2016), Saint-Malo, France, pp. 40-47 (2016)
- D. Khelladi, R. Bendraou, M.‑P. Gervais : “Towards a User-Guided Difference-Based Detection of Atomic Changes”, Engineering of Complex Computer Systems (ICECCS), 2016 21st International Conference on, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, pp. 211-214 (2016)
- D. Khelladi, R. Hebig, R. Bendraou, J. Robin, M.‑P. Gervais : “Metamodel and Constraints Co-evolution: A Semi Automatic Maintenance of OCL Constraints”, Proceedings on Software Reuse: Bridging with Social-Awareness - 15th International Conference, ICSR 2016, Limassol, Cyprus, June 5-7, 2016, }, vol. 9679, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Limassol, Cyprus, pp. 333-349, (Springer) (2016)
- D. Khelladi, R. Hebig, R. Bendraou, J. Robin, M.‑P. Gervais : “Detecting Complex Changes During Metamodel Evolution”, 27th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering, vol. 9097, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Stockholm, Sweden, pp. 263-278 (2015)
- D. Khelladi, R. Bendraou, S. Baarir, Y. Laurent, M.‑P. Gervais : “A Framework to Formally Verify Conformance of a Software Process to a Software Method”, 30th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium On Applied Computing SAC, Salamanca, Spain, pp. 1518-1525, (ACM) (2015)
- S. Dupuy‑Chessa, B. Combemale, M.‑P. Gervais, Th. Nodenot, X. Le Pallec, L. Wouters : “Vers une approche centrée humain pour la définition de langages de modélisation graphiques”, 32e congrès Inforsid'2014, Lyon, France, pp. 79-94 (2014)
- Y. Laurent, R. Bendraou, S. Baarir, M.‑P. Gervais : “Alloy4SPV : A Formal Framework for Software Process Verification”, ECMFA 2014 - 10th European Conference on Modelling Foundations and Applications, vol. 8569, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, York, United Kingdom, pp. 83-100, (Springer) (2014)
- Y. Laurent, R. Bendraou, S. Baarir, M.‑P. Gervais : “Formalization of fUML: An Application to Process Verification”, CAiSE 2014 - The 26th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering, vol. 8484, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Thessaloniki, Greece, pp. 347-363, (Springer) (2014)
- Y. Laurent, R. Bendraou, S. Baarir, M.‑P. Gervais : “Planning for Declarative Processes”, SAC'14 - The 29th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, Gyeongju, Korea, Republic of, pp. 1126-1133, (ACM) (2014)
- I. Fall, R. Bendraou, M.‑P. Gervais, X. Blanc : “Towards a Full Specification and Use of Overlap Relationships between Work Products in MDE Software Processes”, 22nd International Workshop on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises, WETICE 2013, Hammamet, Tunisia, pp. 209-217, (IEEE) (2013)
- L. Wouters, M.‑P. Gervais : “Notation-driven vs metamodel-driven development of domain-specific modeling languages: an empirical study”, SAC 2013 - 28th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, Coimbra, Portugal, pp. 1145-1146, (ACM) (2013)
- Y. Laurent, R. Bendraou, M.‑P. Gervais : “Generation of Process Using Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm”, International Conference on Software and System Process, ICSSP 2013, San Francisco, CA, United States, pp. 161-165, (ACM) (2013)
- Y. Laurent, R. Bendraou, M.‑P. Gervais : “Executing and debugging UML models: an fUML extension”, SAC'13 - The 28th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, Coimbra, Portugal, pp. 1095-1102, (ACM) (2013)
- L. Wouters, M.‑P. Gervais : “Ontology Transformations”, Proceedings of the 16th IEEE International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference, Beijing, China, pp. 71-80 (2012)
- K. Marcal de Oliveira, V. Thion, S. Dupuy‑Chessa, M.‑P. Gervais, S. Si‑Said Cherfi, Ch. Kolski : “Limites de l’évaluation d’un système d’information : une analyse fondée sur l’expérience pratique”, 30e Conférence INFormatique des ORganisations et Systèmes d'Information et de Décision (INFORSID), Montpellier, France, pp. 395-410 (2012)
- R. Bendraou, M. Almeida Da Silva, M.‑P. Gervais, X. Blanc : “Support for deviation detections in the context of multi-viewpoint-based development processes”, CAiSE'12 Forum at the 24th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering, vol. 855, Gdansk, Poland, pp. 23-31, (CEUR) (2012)
- L. Wouters, M.‑P. Gervais : “xOWL an Executable Modeling Language for Domain Experts”, Proceedings of the 15th IEEE International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference, Helsinki, Finland, pp. 215-224 (2011)
- R. Bendraou, R. Lbath, B. Coulette, M.‑P. Gervais : “Process-Centred Approaches for Model-Driven Engineering (PMDE) - First Edition”, 7th European Conference on Modelling Foundations and Applications (ECMFA), vol. 6698, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Birmingham, United Kingdom, pp. 383-384, (Springer) (2011)
- R. Bendraou, R. Lbath, B. Coulette, M.‑P. Gervais : “Proceedings of the 1st workshop on Process-Centred Approaches for Model-Driven Engineering (PMDE), associated with ECMFA 2011”, (IRIT editions), (ISBN: 1-4020-7996-6) (2011)
- M. Almeida Da Silva, R. Bendraou, X. Blanc, M.‑P. Gervais : “Early Deviation Detection in Modeling Activities of MDE Processes”, ACM/IEEE 13th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems, vol. 6395, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Oslo, Norway, pp. 303-317, (Springer) (2010)
- A. Mougenot, X. Blanc, M.‑P. Gervais : “Inconsistency Detection in Distributed Model Driven Software Engineering Environments”, 3rd Workshop on Living with Inconsistencies in Software Development, vol. 661, CEUR-WS, Antwerp, Belgium, pp. 2-7, (CEUR) (2010)
- R. Bendraou, J.‑M. Jézéquel, M.‑P. Gervais, X. Blanc : “A Comparison of Six UML-Based Languages for Software Process Modeling”, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, vol. 36 (5), pp. 662-675, (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) (2010)
- Th. Kühne, B. Selic, M.‑P. Gervais, F. Terrier : “Modelling Foundations and Applications, Proceedings of the 6th European Conference ECMFA 2010”, vol. 6138, Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences, (Springer), (ISBN: 978-3-642-13594-1) (2010)
- A. Mougenot, X. Blanc, M.‑P. Gervais : “D-Praxis: A Peer-to-Peer Collaborative Model Editing Framework”, 9th IFIP international conference on Distributed Applications and Interoperable Systems (DAIS'09), vol. 5523, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Lisbonne, Portugal, pp. 16-29, (Springer) (2009)
- R. Bendraou, Ph. Desfray, M.‑P. Gervais, A. Muller : “MDA Tool Components: A Proposal for Packaging Know-how in Model Driven Development”, Software and Systems Modeling, vol. 7 (3), pp. 329-343, (Springer Verlag) (2008)
- P. Sriplakich, X. Blanc, M.‑P. Gervais : “Collaborative Software Engineering on Large-scale models: Requirements and Experience in ModelBus”, 23rd Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC'08), Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil, pp. 674-681, (ACM) (2008)
- R. Bendraou, M.‑P. Gervais, X. Blanc, J.‑M. Jézéquel : “Vers l’Exécutabilité des Modèles de Procédés Logiciels”, 14e colloque international sur les Langages et Modèles à Objets (LMO'08), vol. RNTI-L-1, Revue des Nouvelles Technologies de l'Information, Montréal, Quebec, Canada, pp. 153-168, (RNTI) (2008)
- R. Bendraou, B. Combemale, X. Crégut, M.‑P. Gervais : “Definition of an eXecutable SPEM 2.0”, 14th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC), Nagoya, Japan, pp. 390-397, (IEEE Computer Society) (2007)
- R. Bendraou, M.‑P. Gervais : “A Framework for Classifying and Comparing Process Technology Domains”, International Conference on Software Engineering Advances (ICSEA '07), Cap Esterel, France, pp. 5-12, (IEEE) (2007)
- R. Bendraou, M.‑P. Gervais, A. Sadovykh : “Software Process Modeling and Execution: The UML4SPM to WS-BPEL Approach”, 33rd EUROMICRO Conference SEAA, Lübeck, Germany, pp. 314-321, (IEEE) (2007)
- G. Fombelle, X. Blanc, L. Rioux, M.‑P. Gervais : “Construction Formelle et Gestion de la Cohérence des Modèles”, 3e Conférence sur l'Ingénierie des Modèles (IDM'07), Toulouse, France, pp. 59-73 (2007)
- P. Sriplakich, X. Blanc, M.‑P. Gervais : “Support collaboratif pour la manipulation de modèles à large échelle”, 3e Journées sur l'Ingénierie Dirigée par les Modèles (IDM '07), Toulouse, France, pp. 25-40 (2007)
- P. Sriplakich, X. Blanc, M.‑P. Gervais : “Applying Model Fragment Copy-Restore to Build an Open and Distributed MDA Environment”, ACM/IEEE 9th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MoDELS/UML 2006), vol. 4199, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Genova, Italy, pp. 631-645, (Springer-Verlag) (2006)
- R. Bendraou, M.‑P. Gervais, X. Blanc : “UML4SPM: An Executable Software Process Modelling Language Providing High-Level Abstractions”, 10th International IEEE Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference (EDOC '06), Hong Kong, China, pp. 297-306, (IEEE) (2006)
- P. Sriplakich, X. Blanc, M.‑P. Gervais : “Supporting Collaborative Development in an Open MDA Environment”, IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance (ICSM'06), Philadelphia, United States, pp. 244-253, (IEEE) (2006)
- J. Bézivin, S. Bouzitouna, M. Del Fabro, M.‑P. Gervais, F. Jouault, Dimitrios S. Kolovos, I. Kurtev, Richard F. Paige : “A Canonical Scheme for Model Composition”, European Conference on Model Driven Architecture -Foundations and Applications (ECMDA-FA '06), vol. 4066, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Bilbao, Spain, pp. 346-360, (Springer-Verlag) (2006)
- G. Fombelle, X. Blanc, L. Rioux, M.‑P. Gervais : “Finding a Path to Model Consistency”, 2nd European Conference on MDA (ECDMA '06), vol. 4066, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Bilbao, Spain, pp. 101-112, (Springer-Verlag) (2006)
- P. Sriplakich, X. Blanc, M.‑P. Gervais : “Supporting Transparent Model Update in Distributed CASE Tool Integration”, Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC'06), Dijon, France, pp. 1759-1766, (ACM) (2006)
- B. Jabbari, M.‑P. Gervais : “Intelligent Networks”, (John Wiley & Sons), (ISBN: 978 0471194095) (2006)
- R. Bendraou, Ph. Desfray, M.‑P. Gervais : “MDA Components: A Flexible Way for Implementing the MDA Approach”, First European European Conference on Model Driven Architecture - Foundations and Application (ECMDA-FA '05), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Nuremberg, Germany, pp. 59-73, (Springer-Verlag) (2005)
- R. Bendraou, M.‑P. Gervais, X. Blanc : “UML4SPM: A UML2.0-Based Metamodel for Software Process Modelling”, ACM/IEEE 8th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MoDELS '05), vol. 3713, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Montego Bay, Jamaica, pp. 17-38, (Springer-Verlag) (2005)
- S. Bouzitouna, M.‑P. Gervais, X. Blanc : “Model Reuse in MDA”, International Conference on Software Engineering Research and Practice (SERP '05), Las Vegas, United States, pp. 354-360, (CSREA Press) (2005)
- X. Blanc, M.‑P. Gervais, P. Sriplakich : “Modeling Services and Web Services: Application of ModelBus”, International Conference on Software Engineering Research and Practice (SERP'05), Las Vegas, United States, pp. 557-563 (2005)
- X. Blanc, M.‑P. Gervais, P. Sriplakich : “Services de modélisation et Web Services Application sur le ModelBus”, Journée Objets, Composants et Modèles, GDR 673 Algorithmique, Langages et Programmation du CNRS, Bern, Switzerland, pp. 63-69 (2005)
- S. Bouzitouna, M.‑P. Gervais : “Composition Rules for PIM Reuse”, 2nd European Workshop on MDA with Emphasis on Methodologies and Transformations, Canterbury, United Kingdom, pp. 36-43, (Computing Laboratory, United Kingdom) (2004)
- X. Blanc, M.‑P. Gervais, M. Lamari, P. Sriplakich : “Towards an Integrated Transformation Environment (ITE) for Model Driven Development (MDD), Invited Session "Model Driven Development"”, 8th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (SCI '2004), Orlando, United States, (International Institute of Informatics and Systemics (IIIS)) (2004)
- R. Bendraou, S. Bouzitouna, M.‑P. Gervais : “From MDA Platform-Specific Model to Code Generation: Coupling of RM-ODP and UML Action Semantics Standards”, International Conference on Software Engineering Research and Practice (SERP '04), Las Vegas, United States, pp. 407-416, (CSREA Press) (2004)
- X. Blanc, M.‑P. Gervais, P. Sriplakich : “Model Bus : "Towards the Interoperability of Modelling Tools"”, Model Driven Architecture: Foundations and Applications (MDAFA 2004), vol. 3599, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Linköping University, Sweden, pp. 17-32, (Springer-Verlag) (2004)
- X. Blanc, S. Bouzitouna, M.‑P. Gervais : “A Critical Analysis of MDA Standards through an Implementation : the ModFact Tool”, 1st European Workshop on Model Driven Architecture with Emphasis on Industrial Applications (EWMDA-IA'04), Enschede, Netherlands, pp. 115-122 (2004)
- J. Gomez‑Sanz, M.‑P. Gervais, G. Weiss : “A Survey on Agent-Oriented Software Engineering Researches”, chapter in Methodologies and Software Engineering for Agent Systems. The Agent-Oriented Software Engineering Handbook, vol. 11, Multiagent Systems, Artificial Societies, and Simulated Organizations, pp. 33-62, (Kluwer Academic Publishers), (ISBN: 1-4020-8057-3) (2004)
- M.‑P. Gervais, V. Vèque : “Nouveaux protocoles pour l’internet”, vol. 23 (5-6), Technique et science informatiques (2004)
- M.‑P. Gervais : “ODAC : An Agent-Oriented Methodology Based on ODP”, Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, vol. 7 (3), pp. 199-228, (Springer Verlag) (2003)
- M.‑P. Gervais, M. Elias, P. Spathis, K. Thai : “Composition de spécifications de services actifs”, 5e Colloque francophone sur la gestion de réseau et de service (GRES '03), Fortaleza, Brazil (2003)
- M.‑P. Gervais, A. Diagne : “Telecommunications Systems”, chapter in Petri nets for Systems Engineering : A Guide to Modeling, Verification, and Applications, pp. 541-566, (Springer-Verlag), (ISBN: 3-540-41217-4) (2003)
- M.‑P. Gervais : “Composition of Active Services : A Methodological Approach”, Fourth Annual International Working Conference on Active Networks (IWAN'02), Zürich, Switzerland (2002)
- M.‑P. Gervais : “Towards an MDA-Oriented Methodology”, 26th IEEE International Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC'02), Oxford, United Kingdom, pp. 265-270, (IEEE) (2002)
- S. Bouzitouna, M. Elias, P. Spathis, M.‑P. Gervais, K. Thai : “Création de services actifs dans ANTS”, 4e Colloque francophone sur la gestion de réseau et de service (GRES '02), Marrakech, Morocco (2002)
- M.‑P. Gervais, X. Blanc : “Interopérabilité de spécifications”, Revue des Sciences et Technologies de l'Information - Série L'Objet : logiciel, bases de données, réseaux, vol. 8 (4), pp. 121-144, (Hermès-Lavoisier) (2002)
- M.‑P. Gervais, F. Muscutariu : “A UML Profile for MASIF Compliant Mobile Agent Platform”, OMG's Second Workshop on UML. for Enterprise Applications: Model Driven Solutions for the Enterprise, San Francisco, United States (2001)
- M.‑P. Gervais : “Méthodologie ODAC : Le guide de spécification comportementale”, (2001)
- X. Blanc, M.‑P. Gervais, R. Le Delliou : “On the Construction of Distributed RM-ODP Specifications”, IFIP TC6/WG6.1 3rd International Conference on Distributed Applications and Interoperable Systems (DAIS'01), vol. 70, IFIP International Federation for Information Processing, Krakow, Poland, pp. 99-111, (Kluwer Academic Publishers) (2001)
- F. Muscutariu, M.‑P. Gervais : “On the Modeling of Mobile Agent-Based Systems”, 3rd IEEE/ACM International Workshop on Mobile Agents for Telecommunication Applications (MATA'01), vol. 2164, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Montreal, Canada, pp. 219-233, (Springer-Verlag) (2001)
- M.‑P. Gervais : “Vers une méthodologie de construction de systèmes à base d’agents”, Atelier SMA de la plate-forme AFIA, Grenoble, France, pp. 19-27 (2001)
- M.‑P. Gervais, F. Muscutariu : “Towards an ADL for Designing Agent-Based Systems”, 2nd International Workshop on Agent-Oriented Software Engineering (AOSE '01), vol. 2222, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Montreal, Canada, pp. 263-276, (Springer-Verlag) (2001)
- F. Muscutariu, M.‑P. Gervais : “Modeling an OMG-MASIF Compliant Mobile Agent Platform with the RM-ODP Engineering Language”, (2001)
- X. Blanc, M.‑P. Gervais, J. Le Delliou : “A Comparison of the Basic DO concepts in Standardization”, (2000)
- M.‑P. Gervais : “ODAC : une méthodologie de construction de systèmes à base d’agents fondée sur ODP”, (2000)
- X. Blanc, M.‑P. Gervais, R. Le Delliou : “A Comparison of the Basic DO Concepts in Standardization”, International Symposium on Distributed Objects and Applications, Anvers, Belgium, pp. 209-217, (IEEE Computer Society) (2000)
- F. Muscutariu, M.‑P. Gervais : “Modeling an OMG-MASIF Compliant Mobile Agent Platform with theRM-ODP Engineering Language”, 2nd International Workshop on Mobile Agents for Telecommunication Applications (MATA '00), vol. 1931, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Paris, France, pp. 129-137, (Springer-Verlag) (2000)
- X. Blanc, M.‑P. Gervais, R. Le Delliou : “The Specifications Exchange Service of an RM-ODP Framework”, 4th International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference, Makuhari, Japan, pp. 86-90, (IEEE) (2000)
- J.‑F. Dauchez, M.‑P. Gervais : “An ODP-based Environment to Design Telecommunications Services”, ICIN 2000 - 6th International Conference on Intelligence in Networks, Bordeaux, France (2000)
- J.‑F. Dauchez, M.‑P. Gervais : “Specifying and verifying the behavior of telecommunications services”, 6th international conference on intelligence in Networks (ICIN '2000), Arcachon, France, pp. 210-214 (2000)
- J.‑F. Dauchez, M.‑P. Gervais : “Specifying and verifying the behavior of telecommunications services”, (1999)
- X. Blanc, M.‑P. Gervais, R. Le‑Delliou : “Using the UML Language to Express the ODP Enterprise Concepts”, (1999)
- X. Blanc, M.‑P. Gervais, R. Le Delliou : “Using the UML Language to express the ODP Enterprise concepts”, 3rd International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference, Mannheim, Germany, pp. 50-59, (IEEE) (1999)
- A. Diagne, M.‑P. Gervais : “Building Telecommunications Services as Qualitative Multi-Agent Systems: the ODAC project”, IEEE Globecom '98, Sydney, Australia, pp. 1688-1693, (IEEE) (1998)
- A. Diagne, M.‑P. Gervais : “Building Telecommunications Services as Qualitative Multi-Agent Systems: the ODAC Project”, (1998)
- M.‑P. Gervais, A. Diagne : “Enhancing Telecommunication Service Engineering with Mobile Agent Techology and Formal Methods”, IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 36 (7), pp. 38-43, (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) (1998)
- M.‑P. Gervais, A. Diagne : “Service Creation Using Agent Technology and Formal Methods”, 7th IEEE International Workshop on Intelligent Networks, Bordeaux, France, pp. 129-140, (IEEE) (1998)
- M.‑P. Gervais, A. Diagne : “Enhancing Telecommunication Service Engineering with Mobile Agent Technology and Formal Methods”, (1997)
- M.‑P. Gervais, N. Ruffel : “Design of Telecommunication Service Based on Software Agent Technology and Formal Methods”, IEEE Globecom '97, Phoenix, United States, pp. 1724-1728, (IEEE) (1997)
- M.‑P. Gervais : “La technologie agent et les télécommunications”, 2e colloque francophone sur la gestion de réseau et de service, Rennes, France, pp. 173-184 (1997)
- M.‑P. Gervais, N. Ruffel : “Design of Telecommunication Services Based on Software Agent Technology and Formal Methods”, (1997)
- M.‑P. Gervais, A. Diagne : “Formalization of Service Creation in Intelligent Network”, (1997)
- M.‑P. Gervais, N. Ruffel : “Coupling Software Agent Technology and Formal Methods for the Production of Telecommunication Services”, IEEE International Workshop on Quality and Productivity for Communications, Ojai Valley, United States (1997)
- N. Ruffel, M.‑P. Gervais : “Un modèle d’interactions orienté-agent pour la conception de services de télécommunications”, 5es Journées Francophones sur l'Intelligence Artificielle Distribuée et les Systèmes Multi-Agents, La Colle-sur-Loup, France, pp. 86, (Hermes) (1997)
- S. Znaty, M.‑P. Gervais : “Les réseaux intelligents : ingénierie des services de télécommunication”, (Hermès), (ISBN: 2-86601-628-9) (1997)
- M.‑P. Gervais, B. Jabbari : “A Framework for Mobility in Wireless Personal Communications”, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Communications, Dallas, Texas, USA, pp. 1148-1152, (IEEE) (1996)
- M.‑P. Gervais, A. Diagne : “Formalization of Service Creation in Intelligent Network”, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Intelligence in Networks, Bordeaux, France, pp. 90-95 (1996)
- M.‑P. Gervais, B. Jabbari : “A Framework for Mobility in Wireless Personal Communications”, IBP-MASI, (Rapport de recherche 96/08) (1996)
- M.‑P. Gervais : “Modèle architectural pour la distribution et l’interconnexion d’administration de réseaux hétérogènes”, soutenance de thèse, soutenance 26/01/1989, direction de recherche Pujolle, Guy, co-encadrement : Claudé, Jean-Pierre (1989)