Un doctorant (Direction de recherche / Co-encadrement)
OUAGUENOUNI Mohamed : Critères et méthodes pour l’extension d’une relation d’ordre sur des éléments à des ensembles, et applications en élicitation et en optimisation.
Quatre docteurs (2010 - 2023) à Sorbonne Université
GILBERT Hugo : Algorithmes à base d’oracles pour optimiser des critères décisionnels sophistiqués pour les problèmes de décision séquentielle, robuste et équitable.
DELORT Charles : Algorithmes d'énumération implicite pour l'optimisation multi-objectifs exacte : exploitation d'ensembles bornant et application aux problèmes de sac à dos et d'affectation.
JEANTET Gildas : Algorithmes pour la décision séquentielle dans l'incertain : optimisation de l'utilité espérée dépendant du rang et du critère de Hurwicz.
H. Gilbert, M. Ouaguenouni, M. Öztürk, O. Spanjaard : “A Hybrid Approach to Preference Learning with Interaction Terms”, Proceedings of ECAI 2023, vol. 372, Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Krakow (Cracovie), Poland, pp. 835-842, (IOS Press), (ISBN: 978-1-64368-437-6) (2023)
B. Escoffier, O. Spanjaard, M. Tydrichová : “Algorithmic Recognition of 2-Euclidean Preferences”, Proceedings of ECAI 2023, vol. 372, Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Krakow (Cracovie), Poland, pp. 637-644, (IOS Press), (ISBN: 978-1-64368-437-6) (2023)
H. Gilbert, M. Ouaguenouni, M. Öztürk, O. Spanjaard : “Robust Ordinal Regression for Collaborative Preference Learning with Opinion Synergies”, The 22nd International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2023), Londres, United Kingdom, pp. 2439-2441, (International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems) (2023)
M. Durand, F. Pascual, O. Spanjaard : “A Non-utilitarian Discrete Choice Model for Preference Aggregation”, Proceedings of the 15th Scalable Uncertainty Management conference (SUM 2022), vol. 13562, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Paris, France, pp. 157-171, (Springer International Publishing) (2022)
H. Gilbert, M. Ouaguenouni, M. Öztürk, O. Spanjaard : “Cautious Learning of Multiattribute Preferences”, 13th Multidisciplinary Workshop on Advances in Preference Handling, Vienna, Austria (2022)
B. Escoffier, O. Spanjaard, M. Tydrichová : “Measuring Nearly Single-Peakedness of an Electorate: Some New Insights”, Algorithmic Decision Theory 7th International Conference, ADT 2021, Toulouse, France, November 3–5, 2021, Proceedings, vol. 13023, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Toulouse, France, pp. 19-34, (Springer) (2021)
H. Gilbert, O. Spanjaard, P. Viappiani, P. Weng : “Reducing the Number of Queries in Interactive Value Iteration”, 4th International Conference on Algorithmic Decision Theory (ADT 2015), vol. 9346, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Lexington, KY, United States, pp. 139-152, (Springer) (2015)
D. Ferraioli, L. Gourvès, S. Moretti, F. Pascual, O. Spanjaard : “Combinatorial Optimization with Competing Agents”, chapter in Paradigms of Combinatorial Optimization: Problems and New Approaches, 2nd Edition, Mathematics and Statistics Series, pp. 675-706, (Wiley-ISTE) (2014)
O. Spanjaard, P. Weng : “Markov Decision Processes with Functional Rewards”, 7th Multi-Disciplinary International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence, MIWAI 2013, vol. 8271, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Krabi, Thailand, pp. 269-280, (Springer) (2013)
B. Escoffier, J. Monnot, F. Pascual, O. Spanjaard : “Truthful many-to-many assignment with private weights”, 8th International Conference on Algorithms and Complexity (CIAC 2013), vol. 7878, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Barcelona, Spain, pp. 209-220, (Springer) (2013)
D. Cornaz, L. Galand, O. Spanjaard : “Bounded Single-Peaked Width and Proportional Representation”, ECAI 2012, 20th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, vol. 242, Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Montpellier, France, pp. 270-275, (IOS Press) (2012)
B. Escoffier, L. Gourvès, K. Nguyen, F. Pascual, O. Spanjaard : “Strategy-proof Mechanisms for Facility Location Games with Many Facilities”, 2nd International Conference on Algorithmic Decision Theory (ADT'11), vol. 6992, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Piscataway, NJ, United States, pp. 67-81, (Springer) (2011)
B. Escoffier, O. Spanjaard : “Dynamic Programming”, chapter in Concepts of Combinatorial Optimization, pp. 71-98, (ISTE -- Wiley), (ISBN: 9781848211476) (2010)
G. Jeantet, O. Spanjaard : “Optimizing the Hurwicz criterion in decision trees with imprecise probabilities”, Algorithmic Decision Theory First International Conference, ADT 2009, Venice, Italy, October 20-23, 2009. Proceedings, vol. 5783, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Venise, Italy, pp. 340-352, (Springer) (2009)
P. Perny, O. Spanjaard : “Near Admissible Algorithms for Multiobjective Search”, 18th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence ECAI-08, vol. 178, Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Patras, Greece, pp. 490-494, (IOS Press) (2008)
L. Galand, P. Perny, O. Spanjaard : “A branch and bound algorithm for Choquet optimization in multicriteria problems”, Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Multiple Criteria Decision Making, vol. 634, Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems, Auckland, New Zealand, pp. 355-365, (Springer) (2008)
P. Perny, O. Spanjaard, L.‑X. Storme : “State Space Search for Risk-averse Agents”, Twentieth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Hyderabad, India, pp. 2353-2358 (2007)
P. Perny, O. Spanjaard, P. Weng : “Algebraic Markov Decision Processes”, 19th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, pp. 1372-1377 (2005)
P. Perny, O. Spanjaard : “On preference-based Search in State Space Graphs”, Proceedings of the Eighteenth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Edmonton, Canada, pp. 751-756, (AAAI Press) (2002)