Équipe : NPA
Date d'arrivée : 13/10/2024
- Sorbonne Université - LIP6
Boîte courrier 169
Couloir 26-00, Étage 1, Bureau 132
4 place Jussieu
75252 PARIS CEDEX 05
Tel: 01 44 27 72 77, Ciro.Scognamiglio (at)
Publications 2014-2017
- L. Baron, R. Klacza, P. Gaudet‑Chardonnet, A. Bradai, C. Scognamiglio, S. Fdida : “Next generation portal for federated testbeds MySlice v2: from prototype to production”, Fed4FIRE Engineering Conference - FEC2, Volos, Greece (2017)
- L. Baron, R. Klacza, M. Rahman, C. Scognamiglio, T. Friedman, S. Fdida, F. Saint‑Marcel : “OneLab: On-demand deployment of IoT over IPv6: Infrastructure as a service for IEEE INFOCOM community”, IEEE Infocom 2016 Live/Video Demonstration, San Francisco, United States, pp. 1-3, (IEEE) (2016)
- L. Baron, F. Boubekeur, R. Klacza, M. Rahman, C. Scognamiglio, N. Kurose, T. Friedman, S. Fdida : “Demo: OneLab: Major Computer Networking Testbeds for IoT and Wireless Experimentation”, MobiCom '15: Proceedings of the 21st Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking, Paris, France (2015)
- L. Baron, R. Klacza, N. Kurose, M. Rahman, C. Scognamiglio, T. Friedman, S. Fdida, F. Saint‑Marcel : “OneLab Tutorial: A Single Portal to Heterogeneous Testbeds”, EAI Endorsed Transactions on Future Internet, vol. 15 (6), Vancouver, Canada, (EAI) (2015)
- A. Willner, S. Albrecht, S. Covaci, F. Schreiner, Th. Magedanz, S. Avessta, C. Scognamiglio, S. Fdida : “FanTaaStic: Sustainable management of Future Internet testbed federations”, Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS), 2014 IEEE, Kracow, Poland, pp. 1-4, (IEEE) (2014)