PhD graduated
Team : MoVe
Departure date : 04/30/2011

Supervision : Jacques MALENFANT

Abstractions for time and resource conscious composition in the context of distributed autonomous robotic systems

Space exploration, military, rescue robots; as autonomous robots target a larger spectrum of ever more involving missions, that require autonomy and coordination among various autonomous robots, control architectures become very complex software systems that intertwine high-level computation-intensive tasks such as planning and building maps, with lower-level ones, triggering responses on actuators from readings on sensors that have stringent real-time constraints. Yet, as in other areas of software development, the time-to-market forces the adoption of fast and efficient methodologies. Our goal is to propose a new component model adapted to autonomous robotics that tackles these issues. We want our model to allow programmers to explicitly express all of the synchronization, time-related and resource usage constraints on atomic computational elements in a declarative way, to abstract themselves away from low-level operational considerations, often known only at deployment-time. Such an approach requires a set of abstractions that capture all the aspects of a robotic architecture and that can be used to incrementally build complex architectures through composition, all the while respecting the individual constraints of the abstractions and the global constraints of the system. This thesis aims to provide solid foundations for the development of such abstractions, by defining the set of properties that capture the needs of the component in terms of time and resources and by showing how these properties can be used for the verification and construction of component assemblies that conform to the systems constraints.

Defence : 12/03/2010

Jury members :

Mireille Blay-Fornarino -Laboratoire I3S (Nice) [rapporteur]
Christophe Dony - LIRMM (Montpellier) [rapporteur]
Jacques Malenfant - LIP6
David Brugali - Université de Bergame (Italie)
Ivica Crnkovic - Université de Mälardalen (Suède)
Michèle Soria - LIP6

Departure date : 04/30/2011

2007-2011 Publications