doctorant à Sorbonne Université - SYSDEF
Direction de recherche : Patrick BRÉZILLON
Modélisation et implémentation d'un raisonnement basé sur le contexte. Application à la gestion d'incidents
Soutenance : 19/07/2002
Date de départ : 19/07/2003Publications 1999-2003
- P. Brézillon, J.‑Ch. Pomerol, L. Pasquier : “Chapter 6: Learning and explanation in a context-based representation: Application to incident solving on subway lines”, chapter in Innovations in Knowledge Engineering, International Series on Advanced Intelligence, pp. 129-149 (2003)
- L. Pasquier : “Modélisation et implémentation d’un raisonnement basé sur le contexte. Application à la gestion d’incidents”, soutenance de thèse, soutenance 19/07/2002, direction de recherche Brézillon, Patrick (2002)
- P. Brézillon, L. Pasquier, J.‑Ch. Pomerol : “Reasoning with contextual graphs”, European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 136 (2), pp. 290-298, (Elsevier) (2002)
- J.‑Ch. Pomerol, P. Brézillon, L. Pasquier : “Operational knowledge representation for practical decision making”, Journal of Management Information Systems, vol. 18 (4), pp. 101-115, (Taylor & Francis (Routledge)) (2002)
- L. Pasquier, C. Zanarelli : “Utilisations de recommandations d’ergonomie dans le développement d’un outil d’aide à la régulation de trafic du métro”, Plate-Forme AFIA, Ingénierie des Connaissances, Grenoble, France, pp. 197-213 (2001)
- J.‑Ch. Pomerol, P. Brézillon, L. Pasquier : “Operational knowledge representation for practical decision making”, 34th Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences, Maui, HI, United States, pp. 101-116, (IEEE) (2001)
- P. Brézillon, L. Pasquier, J.‑Ch. Pomerol : “Representing operational knowledge by contextual graphs”, Advances in Artificial Intelligence, vol. 1952, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Atibaia, SP, Brazil, pp. 245-258, (Springer) (2000)
- L. Pasquier, P. Brézillon, J.‑Ch. Pomerol : “From representation of operational knowledge to practical decision making in operations”, Decision Support through Knowledge Management, Stockolm, Sweden, (Stockolm University) (2000)
- J.‑Y. Brunel, W. Kruijtzer, A. Kenter, F. Pétrot, L. Pasquier, E. De Kock, W. Smits : “COSY Communication IP’s”, 37th Design Automation Conference (DAC2000), Los Angeles, CA, United States, pp. 406-409, (ACM) (2000)
- L. Pasquier : “Modélisation de raisonnements tenus en contexte et application aux agents d’aide à la gestion d’incidents de SART”, (2000)
- C. Zanarelli, L. Pasquier : “Conception centrée sur l’activité réelle : Développement d’un outil d’aide à la régulation de trafic Métro”, Ergonomie et Facteurs Humains dans le transport ferroviaire: Journée satellite de la SELF, Toulouse, France, pp. 204-217 (2000)
- L. Pasquier, P. Brézillon, J.‑Ch. Pomerol : “From representation of operational knowledge to practical decision making in operations”, chapter in Decision Support Through Knowledge Management (2000)
- L. Pasquier, P. Brézillon, J.‑Ch. Pomerol : “Context and decision graphs in incident management on a subway line”, Modeling and Using Context (CONTEXT-99), vol. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (1688), Trento, Italy, pp. 499-502, (Springer) (1999)
- P. Brézillon, L. Pasquier, I. Saker : “Context-based decision making in incident management on a subway line”, 10th Mini Euro Conference on Human Centered Processes (HCP'99), Brest, France, pp. 129-134 (1999)
- P. Brézillon, L. Pasquier, J.‑Ch. Pomerol : “Modeling decision making with context-based reasoning and decision graphs: Application in incident management on a subway line”, 10th Mini Euro Conference on Human Centered Processes (HCP'99), Brest, France, pp. 331-336 (1999)
- C. Zanarelli, I. Saker, L. Pasquier : “Un projet de coopération ergonomes-concepteurs autour de la conception d’un outil d’aide à la régulation du trafic du métro”, Conférence Ingénierie des Connaissances, Palaiseau, France, pp. 161-170, (AFIA) (1999)
- P. Brézillon, L. Pasquier, I. Saker : “Context-based reasoning and decision graphs: Application in incident management on a subway line”, Seventh European Conference on Cognitive Science Approaches to Process Control (CSAPC'99), Villeneuve d'Ascq, France, pp. 189-194, (Presses Universitaires de Valenciennes) (1999)