doctorant à Sorbonne Université - APA
Direction de recherche : Patrick GALLINARI
Apprentissage statistique et régularisation pour la régression. Application à l'identification de systèmes et à la modélisation de séries temporelles
Soutenance : 07/07/1997
Date de départ : 07/07/1998Publications 1997-2015
- A. Fakeri‑Tabrizi, M.‑R. Amini, C. Goutte, N. Usunier : “Multiview self-learning”, Neurocomputing, vol. 155, pp. 117–127, (Elsevier) (2015)
- N. Usunier, M.‑R. Amini, C. Goutte : “Multiview Semi-Supervised Learning for Ranking Multilingual Documents”, European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases, vol. 6913, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Athens, Greece, pp. 443-458, (Springer) (2011)
- A. Krithara, M.‑R. Amini, C. Goutte, J.‑M. Renders : “Learning Aspect Models with Partially Labeled Data”, Pattern Recognition Letters, vol. 32 (2), pp. 297-304, (Elsevier) (2011)
- M.‑R. Amini, C. Goutte, N. Usunier : “Combining Coregularization and Consensus-Based Self-Training for Multilingual Text Categorization”, Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM SIGIR Conference (SIGIR 2010), Geneva, Switzerland, pp. 475-482, (ACM) (2010)
- Y.‑M. Kim, M.‑R. Amini, C. Goutte, P. Gallinari : “Multiview Clustering of Multilingual Documents”, Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM SIGIR Conference (SIGIR 2010), Geneva, Switzerland, pp. 812-822, (ACM) (2010)
- M.‑R. Amini, C. Goutte : “A Co-classification Approach to Learning from Multilingual Corpora”, Machine Learning, vol. 79 (1-2), pp. 105-121, (Springer Verlag) (2010)
- M.‑R. Amini, N. Usunier, C. Goutte : “Learning from Multiple Partially Observed Views -- an Application to Multilingual Text Categorization”, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, Vancouver, Canada (2009)
- M.‑R. Amini, T. Truong, C. Goutte : “A Boosting Algorithm for Learning Bipartite Ranking Functions with Partially Labeled Data”, 31st International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR 2008), Singapore, Singapore, pp. 99-106, (ACM) (2008)
- A. Krithara, M.‑R. Amini, C. Goutte : “Semi-Supervised Document Classification with a Mislabeling Error Model”, European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR'08), vol. 4956, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Glasgow, United Kingdom, pp. 370-381, (Springer) (2008)
- A. Krithara, C. Goutte, M.‑R. Amini, J.‑M. Renders : “Reducing the Annotation Burden in Text Classification”, 1st International Conference on Multidisciplinary Information Sciences and Technologies, Merida, Spain, pp. 34-44 (2006)
- A. Krithara, C. Goutte, M.‑R. Amini, J.‑M. Renders : “Active, Semi-Supervised Learning for Textual Information Access”, International Workshop on Intelligent Information Access (IIIA 2006), Helsinki, Finland, pp. 24-25 (2006)
- C. Goutte : “Apprentissage statistique et régularisation pour la régression. Application à l’identification de systèmes et à la modélisation de séries temporelles”, soutenance de thèse, soutenance 07/07/1997, direction de recherche Gallinari, Patrick (1997)