Direction de recherche : Michel MINOUX
Co-encadrement : SIRDEY Renaud, NGUYEN Viet Hung
Nouveau modèle de partitionnement de graphes/placement de routage
Soutenance : 15/12/2017 Date de départ : 31/12/2017
Publications 2015-2017
- D. Nguyen : “Nouveau modèle de partitionnement de graphes/placement de routage”, soutenance de thèse, soutenance 15/12/2017, direction de recherche Minoux, Michel, co-encadrement : Sirdey, Renaud, Nguyen, Viet Hung (2017)
- D. Nguyen, M. Minoux, V. Nguyen, Th. Nguyen, R. Sirdey : “Improved compact formulations for a wide class of graph partitioning problems in sparse graphs”, Discrete Optimization, vol. 25, pp. 175-188, (Elsevier) (2017)
- V. Nguyen, M. Minoux, D. Nguyen : “Reduced-size formulations for metric and cut polyhedra in sparse graphs”, Networks, vol. 69 (1), pp. 142-150, (Wiley) (2017)
- D. Nguyen, M. Minoux, V. Nguyen, Th. Nguyen, R. Sirdey : “Stochastic graph partitioning: quadratic versus SOCP formulations”, Optimization Letters, vol. 10 (7), pp. 1505–1518, (Springer Verlag) (2016)
- V. Nguyen, M. Minoux, D. Nguyen : “Improved compact formulations for metric and cut polyhedra”, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, vol. 52, pp. 125-132, (Elsevier) (2016)