ongoing PhD project
Equipe : MoVe

Direção de pesquisa : Marie-Pierre GERVAIS

Multi-Domain Expert-User Modeling Infrastructure

This work has been realized in an industrial context at the European Aeronautics Defense and Space Company (EADS). EADS is researching new ways to assess the safety of the overall human-machine system, i.e., the aircraft, pilots and operating procedures as a whole. These safety assessments are conducted throughout the design cycle of the product, from the preliminary design to the detailed design and up to the certification phase. EADS is trying to perform these thorough safety assessments much earlier in the development cycle, when only models are available, thus, phasing-in a model-driven approach of the problem. An issue is then how to enable the collaboration of experts from multiple domains (cockpit, procedures, and cognitive psychology) for them to build a common model artifact that can be leveraged in the safety assessment of the overall human-machine system. This work considers that experts in each domain must be provided a domain-specific modeling environment, giving them access to a common model artifact, but through a domain-specific notation.
This thesis identifies and considers three issues in this regard. First, the domain-specific modeling languages need to be semantically aligned so that the common model artifact can be consistently expressed. Second, multiple domain-specific visual notations need to be produced for the same underlying common model artifact. Third, domain experts modeling activities need to be supported at best and thus the provided domain-specific notations need to be as close as possible to the existing practices in the domains. This thesis then proposes the xOWL Infrastructure as an integrated solution to the three issues.

Defesas : 18/01/2013

Membros da banca :

GERVAIS Marie-Pierre (Université Paris X)
ATKINSON Colin (Universität Mannheim) [Rapporteur]
BLAY-FORNARINO Mireille (Université de Nice) [Rapporteur]
MALENFANT Jacques (Université Paris VI)
COMBEMALE Benoit (Université Rennes I)
MOREAU Pierre-Etienne (Ecole des Mines de Nancy)
TRINQUIER Christian (EADS France)

Data de partida : 28/02/2013

Publicações 2011-2018