Dottore di ricerca
Gruppo di ricerca : MoVe

Relatore : Marie-Pierre GERVAIS

Benefits of semi-supervised learning techniques in recovering traceability links between design artifacts

During the development of complex systems, several enterprises exchange a large number of heterogeneous models and requirements. During the phases of the system’s life cycle, these artifacts, linked to each other and derived from different modelling tools, are constantly evolving. In such a heterogeneous and volatile environment, it is necessary to manage the impact of the different changes occurring in the different design spaces. Traceability as defined by the International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE) meets this need.
However, establishing links between requirements and models in complex systems engineering requires dealing with a large volume of artifacts. For example, a specification of an autonomous vehicle with 3,000 requirements and 400 model elements, it would theoretically be necessary to check about one million of potential links. Although several approaches have been proposed for identifying traceability links, the validation process is always time-consuming and error-prone. This is mainly due to the predominance of manual operations during this process.
In this thesis, we propose a semi-supervised approach that learns through a probabilistic model to recognize links or no links from similarity measures and scores. This approach provides a quantitative confidence measure on each candidate link. This measure allows the expert in the validation phase to optimize his verification effort while reducing the risks of error. We evaluated our approach on benchmarks in the traceability and on industrial case studies. The results show that our approach have better results than state-of-the-art traceability methods. We obtain a reduction of no links (false positive) of about 80% compared to state-of-the-art methods in industrial cases, while, keeping a number of links (true positive), up to 75% , at the same time.
The prototype implemented, called Aggregation Trace Links Support (ATLaS), is being tested by the SystemX Research Institute’s partners as part of the Eco-mobility by Autonomous Vehicles (EVA) project.

Difesa : 10/28/2019

Membri della commissione :

BLAY Fornarino Mireille, Université de Nice, Laboratoire I3S-CNRS-UNS-UMR 6070-Rapporteur
HUCHARD Marianne, Université de Montpellier LIRMM UMR 5506 - Rapporteur
GERVAIS Marie-Pierre , Université Paris Nanterre LIP6- Directrice de thèse
BENDRAOU Reda, Université Paris Nanterre LIP6 - Co-directeur de thèse
KORDON Fabrice, Sorbonne Université LIP6 - Examinateur Président du jury
CREFF Stephen, IRT Système X - Examinateur
WOUTERS Laurent, Cenotelie President- Examinateur

Data di partenza : 11/30/2019

Pubblicazioni 2017-2019