doctorant à Sorbonne Université
Équipe : ComplexNetworks

Direction de recherche : Matthieu LATAPY

Co-encadrement : Clémence MAGNIEN

Connexité temporelle et calculs de chemins pour les stream graphs

Stream graphs model highly dynamic networks in which nodes and/or links arrive and/or leave over time. Connected components and temporal paths in stream graphs were defined recently, but no algorithm was provided to compute them. We present here several solutions with polynomial time and space complexities, each with its own strengths and weaknesses.

Soutenance : 09/11/2020

Membres du jury :

Christophe CRESPELLE, rapporteur, Associate professor at Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, LIP
Sylvain PEYRONNET, rapporteur, Professor at IX-LABS
Lionel LACASSAGNE, président, Professor at Sorbonne Université, LIP6
François SAUSSET, examinateur, Research Engineer at Thalès, ThereSIS
Clémence MAGNIEN, co-directrice, Research Director at CNRS, LIP6
Matthieu LATAPY, co-directeur, Research Director at CNRS, LIP6

Date de départ : 30/11/2020

Publications 2020