HABIB Bassel

Supervision : Jean-Gabriel GANASCIA

CYBERNARD : Un Système de Découverte Autonome qui Reconstruit Rationellement la Démarche Empirique de Claude Bernard en Modélisant ses Expérimentations Basées sur des Résultats Réels

A Discovery is, in general, the action of finding what was not known before. In science, we speak obviously of Scientific Discovery. The field of Scientific Discovery in Artificial Intelligence (AI) focuses on the development of integrated and autonomous systems for scientific discovery. Several sub-fields of AI study problems that can be linked to the broader issue of scientific discovery. This is the case, for example, of expert systems and data mining systems allowing to build discovery programs using the techniques of problem solving.
In this context, several families of discovery systems have emerged since the birth of the field of scientific discovery in AI. In this thesis, we built a system based on data from actual experiments done by Claude Bernard. This system, called CYBERNARD, reconstructs rationally the empirical method of the latter by modeling his experiments based on actual results. In the case of CYBERNARD, the role of the machine is to simulate the experiments performed by Claude Bernard to get virtual experiments on the system's output. The system is adjusted until the virtual experiments are consistent with those made by Claude Bernard himself in order to test the hypotheses inferred.
The construction of the system CYBERNARD has started with an epistemological study of Claude Bernard's manuscripts until building a computer model simulating a part of his discovery process. During the epistemological study, we studied the several modes of inference used in Claude Bernard's experimental process and represented the knowledge contained in his manuscripts (ontology, experiments) to be able to facilitate the use of this knowledge in our computer model: the virtual laboratory. This virtual laboratory is the environment in which the simulation of Claude Bernard's experiments is proposed to the user. The purpose of this laboratory is to make virtual experiments and to compare them with actual experiments made by Claude Bernard. We propose a virtual laboratory that contains core models (virtual organisms built on the hypotheses and on which Claude Bernard's experiments are done) and parameterized operators (operators from the descriptions of experiments included in Claude Bernard's writing). Finally, we validate our approach on scenarios drawn from some of Claude Bernard's experiments.

Defence : 11/26/2010

Jury members :

Pr. Claude Debru - ENS
Pr. Jean-Gabriel Ganascia - LIP6
Pr. Jean-Marc Labat - LIP6
Pr. Lorenzo Magnani - Univ. Pavia [Rapporteur]
Pr. Jean Sallantin - LIRMM [Rapporteur]

Departure date : 09/30/2011

2009-2011 Publications