Supervision : Guy PUJOLLE
Co-supervision : BORRAS Patrick
A context-aware framework for service discovery on ubiquitous mesh home networks community
A home network represents a set of networked home appliances. These appliances are connected to each other in order to share and use various services offered at home. The service discovery is a required mechanism in the home network environments. A service discovery protocol allows users to search and use devices and services that they need. Many service discovery protocols have been proposed in the literature and researchers became more and more interested in the extension of this functionality outside of the house. In this thesis, we propose a novel approach for intra- and inter-home network service discovery. It rests on a personalized service discovery in ubiquitous home networks. Our architecture proposes a mechanism protecting access to specific home resources based on user or group’s profile. A profile represents devices and services that the user can access. Home networks are interconnected through an overlay virtual private network (community), allowing home users to share and access services within the community. The home network community is expanded to wireless mesh network infrastructure. Wireless mesh networks are an appropriate solution for broadband home networks in order to establish an ubiquitous environment. The home networks establish then a wireless community network in the neighborhood. In addition, a social networking API is used to keep the process of creation and management of the community and its components as simple and automatic as possible.
Defence : 03/25/2010
Jury members :
Dr. BORRAS Patrick
Pr. Al-L-AGHA, Khaldoun (Université Paris Sud), rapporteur
Pr. CHRISMENT Isabelle (LORIA-INRIA, Lorraine), rapporteur
Pr. TIXEUIL Sébastien (UPMC Lip6)
Dr. REYNAUD Laurent (Orange Labs Lannion)
2007-2010 Publications
- Sh. Gashti : “Architecture de la découverte de services pour les réseaux de domicile communautaires”, thesis, phd defence 03/25/2010, supervision Pujolle, Guy, co-supervision : Borras, Patrick (2010)
- Sh. Gashti, G. Pujolle, J. Rotrou : “An UPnP-based context-aware framework for ubiquitous mesh home networks”, IEEE 20th International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, PIMRC 2009, Tokyo, Japan, pp. 400-404, (IEEE) (2009)
- M. Bouet, Sh. Gashti, G. Pujolle : “An energy-aware autonomic architecture for localization in ubiquitous networks”, IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, WCNC, Budapest, Hungary, pp. 1-5, (IEEE) (2009)
- L. Ciarletta, T. Leclerc, G. Pujolle, P. Borras, Sh. Gashti : “Etude des protocoles de découverte de service dans le cadre des réseaux adhoc”, 20 pages (2007)