PhD student at Sorbonne University
Team : MOCAH
    Sorbonne Université - LIP6
    Boîte courrier 169
    Couloir 26-00, Étage 5, Bureau 530
    4 place Jussieu
    75252 PARIS CEDEX 05

Tel: +33 1 44 27 88 64, Gaelle.Guigon (at)

Supervision : Thibault CARRON

Co-supervision : MURATET Mathieu, VERMEULEN Mathieu

Asymmetric Scenarios for Multi-Player Serious Games

This thesis explores Technologies Enhanced Learning (TEL) and the design of learning games. It focuses on pedagogical asymmetric role-playing games, known as Role Learning Games (RLG). These games can simulate multi-actor professional environments, promoting cooperation between distinct roles. Our research question addresses the modeling of scenarios with player interactions for Role Learning Games.
A design model for RLG has been proposed and reified through two tools: a tangible puzzle and an online application. Experiments conducted with teachers and instructional designers demonstrate the value of this model in assisting them with scenario creation. A scenario verification system was developed to ensure that collaboration can occur. This thesis contributes to the advancement of TEL with a design model for RLG scenarios, two scenario creation tools, and a verification system, each having demonstrated their effectiveness and opening up application prospects beyond the educational context.

Defence : 10/10/2024

Jury members :

Nour El Mawas, Professeure, Université de Lorraine [Rapporteur]
Iza Marfisi-Schottman, Professeure, Université du Mans [Rapporteur]
Armelle Brun, Professeure, Université de Lorraine
Jean-Marie Gilliot, Maître de conférences HDR, IMT Atlantique
Éric Sanchez, Professeur, Université de Genève
Thibault Carron, Maître de conférences HDR, Sorbonne Université
Mathieu Muratet, Maître de conférences, Sorbonne Université
Mathieu Vermeulen, Maître assistant, IMT Nord Europe

2017-2024 Publications