RAPTIS Spyridon
PhD student at Sorbonne University (Teaching assistant, ANR)
Team : CIAN
Arrival date : 03/01/2022
Tel: +33 1 44 27 70 12, Spyridon.Raptis (at) nulllip6.fr
Team : CIAN
Arrival date : 03/01/2022
- Sorbonne Université - LIP6
Boîte courrier 169
Couloir 24-25, Étage 4, Bureau 415
4 place Jussieu
75252 PARIS CEDEX 05
Tel: +33 1 44 27 70 12, Spyridon.Raptis (at) nulllip6.fr
Supervision : Haralampos STRATIGOPOULOS
Architectures matérielles fiable pour l’Intelligence Artificielle de confiance
2023 Publications
- Haralampos‑G. Stratigopoulos, Th. Spyrou, S. Raptis : “Testing and Reliability of Spiking Neural Networks: A Review of the State-of-the-Art”, 36th IEEE International Symposium on Defect and Fault Tolerance in VLSI and Nanotechnology Systems (DFT 2023), Juan-Les-Pins, France (2023)