Team : NPA

Contents through Networks: wireless access, caching, social diffusion

I will present the main findings of my scientific research on three major topics, which span a wide spectrum of networking aspects:

  1. Cloud-RAN architecture for cellular networks,
  2. wireless edge-caching
  3. information diffusion in online social platforms.
These relate to breakthroughs in communication networks during the last decade, considering the evolution towards 5G cellular networks and the proliferation of online social platforms.

In C-RAN architectures novel base station clustering mechanisms are proposed and the performance benefit from collaborative transmission is quantified for very large networks. In edge-caching new cache management policies are introduced that profit from multi-coverage, while user association and mobility are taken into account.

Finally, in social networks an original mathematical model combines user posting activity with graph structure to exactly describe user influence inside online platforms.

This research was made possible within the context of co-supervision of several PhD and Master students.

Phd defence : 12/04/2020

Jury members :

Mérouane Debbah, Prof. CentraleSupélec & Huawei Paris [Rapporteur]
Jim Kurose, Prof. University of Massachusetts Amherst [Rapporteur]
Emilio Leonardi, Prof. Politecnico di Torino [Rapporteur]
Serge Fdida, Prof. Sorbonne Université - LIP6
Eduard Jorswieck, Prof. Technische Universität Braunschweig
Franc?ois Baccelli, DR INRIA / ENS
Luca Muscariello, Principal Engineer Cisco
Thrasyvoulos Spyropoulos, Prof. EURECOM

Departure date : 12/04/2020