Supervision : Thibault CARRON
Co-supervision : BOUCHET François, PINÇON Claire
Students-facing Learning Analytics Dashboards adapted, adaptable and adaptive over time: from design to modeling
To support learning, Learning Analytics Dashboard (LAD) is a tool present in most training programs. By relying on learners' learning traces, the LAD offers many perspectives to support students' success.
This PhD thesis contributes to questions related to the LAD adaptation for higher education students. We propose three contributions to explore LAD that are adapted, adaptable, and adaptive.
First, we explore co-design methods, both in face-to-face and online, to design LAD adapted to the student target, and through this first contribution, the adaptation of tangible tools to digital tools and collaboration.
Then, we focus on the elements that make up LAD, the indicators and their visualizations, to make them adapted and adaptable according to the field of study and the year of study.
Finally, we explore the topic of adaptive LAD over time, based on users' expectations and usage, before proposing an adaptive LAD model. Our work has concretely allowed us to propose the tools PADDLE and ePADDLE and thus allowing us to successfully conduct co-design sessions with n=386 students from different backgrounds.
Based on the data collected, we have identified various needs expressed by students for indicators and visualizations, according to several variables such as the objective of the LAD, the type and level of study, the learning context, and time. Several perspectives are opening up for the continuation of this work, including the implementation of the adaptive LAD model.
Defence : 10/10/2024
Jury members :
Nour El Mawas, professeure, Université de Lorraine [Rapporteur]
Christine Michel, professeure, Université de Poitiers [Rapporteur]
Ignacio Avellino, chargé de recherche, Sorbonne-Université
Yvan Peter, professeur, Université de Lille
Rémi Venant, MCF, Le Mans Université
Thibault Carron, MCF HDR, Sorbonne Université
François Bouchet, MCF, Sorbonne Université
Claire Pinçon, MCF, Université de Lille
2020-2024 Publications
- K. Quelennec : “Tableaux de bord d’apprentissage Ă©tudiants adaptĂ©s, adaptables et adaptatifs dans le temps. De la conception Ă la modĂ©lisation”, thesis, phd defence 10/10/2024, supervision Carron, Thibault, co-supervision : Bouchet, François, Pinçon, Claire (2024)
- K. Oliver‑Quelennec, F. Bouchet, Th. Carron, C. Pinçon : “Usages dans le temps d’un tableau de bord d’apprentissage dans un jeu sĂ©rieux”, EIAH2023 : 11e ConfĂ©rence sur les Environnements Informatiques pour l'Apprentissage Humain, Brest, France, pp. 256-261, (Association des Technologies de l’Information pour l’Education et la Formation) (2023)
- K. Oliver‑Quelennec, F. Bouchet, Th. Carron, C. Pinçon : “Evaluating the Transposition of a Learning Analytics Dashboard Co-design Tangible Tool to a Digital Tool”, chapter in Open and Inclusive Educational Practice in the Digital World, Cognition and Exploratory Learning in the Digital Age, pp. 115-133, (Springer International Publishing), (ISBN: 978-3-031-18512-0) (2022)
- K. Oliver‑Quelennec, F. Bouchet, Th. Carron, K. Fronton Casalino, C. Pinçon : “Adapting Learning Analytics Dashboards by and for University Students”, Educating for a New Future: Making Sense of Technology-Enhanced Learning Adoption, vol. 13450, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Toulouse, France, pp. 299-309, (Springer International Publishing), (ISBN: 978-3-031-16290-9) (2022)
- K. Oliver‑Quelennec, F. Bouchet, Th. Carron, C. Pinçon : “Understanding online collaboration through speech acts associated to Belbin profiles”, CSCL 2022 - 15th International Conference on Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, Hiroshima, Japan, pp. 324-327 (2022)
- K. Oliver‑Quelennec, F. Bouchet, Th. Carron, C. Pinçon : “Can a Learning Analytics Dashboard Participative Design Approach Be Transposed to an Online-Only Context?”, 18th International Conference Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age, Virtual, Portugal (2021)
- K. Oliver‑Quelennec, F. Bouchet, Th. Carron, C. Pinçon : “Faciliter le recueil de traces par la numĂ©risation d’un outil tangible de co-design : application Ă la conception de tableaux de bord d’apprentissage”, 10e ConfĂ©rence sur les Environnements Informatiques pour l’Apprentissage Humain, Transformations dans le domaine des EIAH : innovations technologiques et d’usage(s), Fribourg, Switzerland, pp. 360-365 (2021)
- K. Oliver‑Quelennec, F. Bouchet, Th. Carron, C. Pinçon : “Analyzing the Impact of e-CaducĂ©e, a Serious Game in Pharmacy on Students’ Professional Skills over Multiple Years”, CSEDU 2021 - 13th International Conference on Computer Supported Education, vol. 1, Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Computer Supported Education, Prague (virtual), Czechia, pp. 331-338, (SciTePress - Science and Technology Publications) (2021)
- K. Oliver‑Quelennec : “Vers une conception participative de tableaux de bord Ă©tudiants adaptatifs avec PADDLE”, 8e Rencontres Jeunes Chercheurs en EIAH, Poitiers, France (2020)