Supervision : Marcelo DIAS DE AMORIM
Co-supervision : CONAN Vania
Leveraging mobile devices beyond the edge toward task offloading
The pervasiveness of mobile devices equipped with internet connectivity and positioning systems, ranging from vehicles, mobile phones to smartwatches and fitness bracelets, leads us to regard them as a valuable resource to leverage. In this thesis, we tackle the use of mobile devices from a new perspective. We consider the extension of the capacity of the MEC by using the available resources of mobile devices beyond the edge of the infrastructure network. The goal is to leverage their untapped resources to process computation on behalf of the MEC in a distributed way. It is fundamental for the MEC orchestrator to be aware of its operating environment to rely on mobile nodes. Therefore, MEC needs to estimate if they have enough computing, storage, and battery resources, but also for how long. In the first part of the thesis, we have focused on the temporal availability of beyond-the-edge resources. We chose to investigate the co-location of terminals and analyze their persistence in a cell. Then, we turn our attention to task allocation. We shift the focus on the spatio-temporal aspect by quantifying the resources that a cell can provide to perform a MEC task. We estimate the potential amount of computational tasks performed by nodes based on the cumulative presence time in a given cell and a given completion delay. Results provide insight into the possibilities of offloading computing tasks on mobile nodes. Furthermore, it allows knowing the locations where it is advisable to offload tasks and the time duration of tasks offloadable. In addition, the MEC may have a specific guarantee of having a sufficient number of mobile devices to perform a task. Finally, the results give an overview of additional tasks feasible based on the delay completion tolerance that the MEC is willing to accept.
Defence : 02/15/2022
Jury members :
Nadjib Ait Saadi, Prof. Université Versailles Saint-Quentin [Rapporteur]
André-Luc Beylot, Prof. ENSEEIHT [Rapporteur]
Anne Fladenmuller, Prof. Sorbonne Université
Thi-Mai-Trang Nguyen, Assoc. Prof. Sorbonne Université
Vania Conan, DR Thales
Marcelo Dias de Amorim, DR CNRS
2019-2022 Publications
- S. Khizar : “Tirer profit des dispositifs mobiles au-delĂ de la pĂ©riphĂ©rie afin de dĂ©lester des tâches”, thesis, phd defence 02/15/2022, supervision Dias de amorim, Marcelo, co-supervision : Conan, Vania (2022)
- S. Khizar, M. Dias De Amorim, V. Conan : “Offloading computing tasks beyond the edge: A data-driven analysis”, 13th IFIP Wireless and Mobile Networking Conference, Montreal (online), Canada (2021)
- S. Khizar, M. Dias De Amorim, V. Conan : “Quand les noeuds mobiles passent Ă l’action !”, CORES 2021 – 6e Rencontres Francophones sur la Conception de Protocoles, l’Évaluation de Performance et l’ExpĂ©rimentation des RĂ©seaux de Communication, La Rochelle, France (2021)
- S. Khizar, M. Dias De Amorim, V. Conan : “Persistence of Vehicular-Augmented Mobile Edges”, 2020 IEEE 31st Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), London, United Kingdom, pp. 1-6, (IEEE), (ISBN: 978-1-7281-4490-0) (2020)
- S. Khizar, M. Dias De Amorim, V. Conan : “Un MEC qui persiste au-delĂ de la bordure”, Rencontres Francophones sur la Conception de Protocoles, l’Évaluation de Performance et l’ExpĂ©rimentation des RĂ©seaux de Communication, Lyon, France (2020)
- S. Khizar, M. Dias De Amorim, V. Conan : “Mobile Offloading Beyond the Edge”, ResCom 2019, Anglet,, France (2019)