DUCAMP Gaspard

PhD student at Sorbonne University

Supervision : Christophe GONZALES
Co-supervision : WUILLEMIN Pierre-Henri

Probabilistic rules optimized compilation

Widely adopted for more than 20 years in industrial fields, business rules offer the opportunity to non-IT users to define decision-making policies in a simple and intuitive way. To facilitate their use, systems known as Business Rule Management Systems have been developed, separating the business logic from the application one. While suitable for processing structured and complete data, BRMS face difficulties when those are incomplete.

This study proposes a new approach for the integration of probabilistic reasoning in IBM Operational Decision Manager (ODM), IBM’s BRMS, especially through the introduction of a notion of risk, making the compilation phase more complex but increasing the expressiveness of business rules.

Phd defence : 04/13/2021

Jury members :

LERAY Philippe (Professeur/ Polytech Nantes, LS2N) [Rapporteur]
FAGES François (Professeur/ École Polytechnique, INRIA Saclay) [Rapporteur]
DELCROIX Véronique (Maitre de conférence/ Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France, LAMIH)
NOUY Anthony (Professeur/ Centrale Nantes, LMJL)
GONZALES Christophe (Professeur/ Université Aix Marseille, LIS)
BONNARD Philippe (Ingénieur/ IBM France)
WUILLEMIN Pierre-Henri (Maitre de conférence/ Sorbonne Université, LIP6)

Departure date : 04/13/2021

2018-2021 Publications