PhD student at Sorbonne University
Team : ALSOC

Supervision : Lionel LACASSAGNE
Co-supervision : Quentin MEUNIER, Andréa PINNA

Débruitage Vidéo Temps Réel pour Systèmes Embarqués

In many applications, noisy video can be a major problem.

There are denoising methods with highly effective denoising capabilities but at the cost of a very high computational complexity. Other faster methods are limited in their applications since they does not handle high levels of noise.

In this work, the goal is to propose an embedded solution for live video denoising.

The method needs to remain efficient even under high level of noise.

This work led to a new video denoising algorithm called RTE-VD: Real-Time Embedded Video Denoising.

We compare RTE-VD to other state-of-the-art methods in both terms of denoising capabilities and processing time. We show that RTE-VD brings a particulary new relevant tradeoff between quality and speed.

In order to achieve such performance, many compromises and optimizations had to be done.

Phd defence : 06/29/2020

Jury members :

Mme Corinne ANCOURT, Directeur de Recherche, CRI - MINES ParisTech [Rapporteur]
M. Daniel MENARD, Professeur, IETR - INSA Rennes [Rapporteur]
M. Daniel Etiemble, Professeur, LRI - Université Paris Saclay
M. Pierre SENS, Professeur, LIP6 - Sorbonne Université
M. Lionel LACASSAGNE, Professeur, LIP6 - Sorbonne Université
M. Quentin MEUNIER, Maître de Conférences, LIP6 - Sorbonne Université

Departure date : 11/30/2019

2016-2023 Publications