PhD student at Sorbonne University
Team : Phare

Supervision : Rami LANGAR

Co-supervision : FAJJARI Ilhem

User-Centric Slicing with Functional Splits in 5G Cloud-RAN

5G Radio Access Network (RAN) aims to evolve new technologies spanning the Cloud infrastructure, virtualization techniques and Software Defined Network capabilities. Advanced solutions are introduced to split the RAN functions between centralized and distributed locations to improve the RAN flexibility. However, one of the major concerns is to efficiently allocate RAN resources, while supporting heterogeneous 5G service requirements. In this thesis, we address the problem of the user-centric RAN slice provisioning, within a Cloud RAN infrastructure enabling flexible functional splits. Our research aims to jointly meet the end users’ requirements, while minimizing the deployment cost. The problem is NP-hard. To overcome the great complexity involved, we propose a number of heuristic provisioning strategies and we tackle the problem in four stages. First, we propose a new implementation of a cost-efficient C-RAN architecture, enabling on-demand deployment of RAN resources, denoted by AgilRAN. Second, we consider the network function placement sub-problem and propound a new scalable user-centric functional split selection strategy named SPLIT-HPSO. Third, we integrate the radio resource allocation scheme in the functional split selection optimization approach. To do so, we propose a new heuristic based on Swarm Particle Optimization and Dijkstra approaches, so-called E2E-USA. In the fourth stage, we consider a deep learning based approach for user-centric RAN Slice Allocation scheme, so-called DL-USA, to operate in real time. The results obtained prove the efficiency of our proposed strategies.

Defence : 01/22/2021

Jury members :

COUPECHOUX Marceau (Professeur/ TELECOM Paris, IPP) [Rapporteur]
TURLETTI Thierry (Directeur de Recherche/ INRIA Sophia Antipolis) [Rapporteur]
CHAHED Tijani (Professeur/ TELECOM SudParis, IPP)
DIAS DE AMORIM Marcelo (Directeur de Recherche/ Sorbonne Université)
KSENTINI Adlen (Professeur/ Eurecom, Sophia Antipolis)
AITSAADI Nadjib (Professeur/ UVSQ Paris-Saclay)
FAJJARI Ilhem (Chercheuse/ Orange Labs, Châtillon)
LANGAR Rami (Professeur/ Université Gustave Eiffel)

Departure date : 03/31/2021

2018-2021 Publications