Supervision : Vanda LUENGO
Co-supervision : BOUCHET François
Analyzing learners questions and associated profiles in online environments
Students' questions are useful for their learning and for teachers' pedagogical adaptation. However, the volume of questions asked online by students may prevent teachers from dealing with each question (e.g. MOOC or large university cohort).
We address this issue mainly in the context of a hybrid training program in which students ask questions online each week, using a flipped classroom approach, to help teachers prepare their on-site Q&A session. Our objective is to support the teacher to determine the types of questions asked by different groups of learners. To conduct this work, we developed a question coding scheme guided by student’s intention and teacher’s pedagogical reaction. Several automatic classification tools have been designed, evaluated and combined to categorize the questions. We have shown how a clustering-based model built on data from previous sessions can be used to predict students' online profiles using exclusively the nature of the questions they ask. These results allowed us to propose three alternative questions’ organizations to teachers (based on questions’ categories and learners’ profiles), opening up perspectives for different pedagogical approaches during Q&A sessions. We have tested and demonstrated the possibility of adapting our coding scheme and associated tools to the very different context of a MOOC, which suggests a form of genericity in our approach.
Defence : 10/25/2019
Jury members :
Agathe MERCERON. Professeur. Beuth University of Applied Sciences [Rapporteur]
Anne-Laure LIGOZAT. Maîtresse de conférences, HDR. ENSIIE, LIMSI [Rapporteur]
Bénédicte LE GRAND. Professeur. Université Paris 1, Centre de Recherche Informatique
Fabrice POPINEAU. Professeur. Centrale Supélec
Christophe MARSALA. Professeur. Sorbonne Université, Faculté des Sciences
Vanda LUENGO. Professeur. Sorbonne Université, LIP6
François BOUCHET. Maître de Conférences, Sorbonne Université, LIP6
2016-2021 Publications
- F. Harrak, F. Bouchet : “Aide au suivi de la progression de groupes d’apprenants pour la mise en place d’une pĂ©dagogie diffĂ©renciĂ©e”, 10e ConfĂ©rence sur les Environnements Informatiques pour l’Apprentissage Humain, Transformations dans le domaine des EIAH : innovations technologiques et d’usage(s), Fribourg, Switzerland, pp. 312-317 (2021)
- F. Harrak, F. Bouchet, V. Luengo, P. Gillois : “Evaluating Teachers’ Perceptions of Students’ Questions Organization”, Learning Analytics & Knowledge Conference, LAK '20: Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge, Frankfurt, Germany, pp. 11-16, (ACM) (2020)
- F. Harrak, F. Bouchet, V. Luengo : “Liens entre performance, assiduitĂ© et questions posĂ©es et votĂ©es en ligne dans le cadre d’une classe inversĂ©e”, STICEF (Sciences et Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication pour l'Éducation et la Formation), vol. 27 (2), (ATIEF) (2020)
- F. Harrak : “Analyse de questions d’apprenants et de profils associĂ©s dans des environnements en ligne”, thesis, phd defence 10/25/2019, supervision Luengo, Vanda, co-supervision : Bouchet, François (2019)
- F. Harrak, F. Bouchet, V. Luengo, R. Bachelet : “Automatic Identification of Questions in MOOC Forums and Association with Self-Regulated Learning”, Proc. of the 12th International Conference on Educational Data Mining, MontrĂ©al, Canada, pp. 564-567 (2019)
- F. Harrak, F. Bouchet, V. Luengo : “Categorizing students’ questions using an ensemble hybrid approach”, Proc. of the 12th International Conference on Educational Data Mining, MontrĂ©al, Canada (2019)
- F. Harrak, V. Luengo, F. Bouchet, R. Bachelet : “Towards Improving Students’ Forum Posts Categorization in MOOCs and Impact on Performance Prediction”, Proceedings of the Sixth (2019) ACM Conference on Learning @ Scale, Chicago, United States, pp. 47:1-47:4, (ACM Press) (2019)
- F. Harrak, F. Bouchet, V. Luengo : “Comparaison de questions posĂ©es et votĂ©es en ligne dans le cadre d’une classe inversĂ©e”, Actes de la 9e ConfĂ©rence sur les Environnements Informatiques pour l'Apprentissage Humain, Paris, France, pp. 121-132 (2019)
- F. Harrak, F. Bouchet, V. Luengo : “From Student Questions to Student Profiles in a Blended Learning Environment”, Journal of Learning Analytics, vol. 6 (1), pp. 54-84 (2019)
- F. Harrak, F. Bouchet, V. Luengo, P. Gillois : “Profiling Students from Their Questions in a Blended Learning Environment”, LAK '18 Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge, Sydney, Australia, pp. 102-110, (ACM) (2018)
- F. Harrak, F. Bouchet, V. Luengo : “Identifying relationships between students’ questions type and their behavior”, 10th International Conference on Educational Data Mining, Wuhan, China (2017)
- F. Harrak : “Analyse de traces d’EIAH pour l’identification de groupes d’apprenants de profil similaire”, 6es Rencontres Jeunes Chercheurs en EIAH, RJC-EIAH'2016, Montpellier, France (2016)