PhD student at Sorbonne University
Team : MOCAH

Supervision : Thibault CARRON
Co-supervision : BOUCHET François

Towards a model to support the learning in Learning Management Systems

This thesis contributes to support learning in Technology Enhanced Learning environment in order to improve the learning process. In a context where we do not have profiles to adapt learning, we have opted for learner-directed learning under the constraints defined by the teacher. We developed to teachers a model to design multi-scenario course. The model inspired on the Competence-based Knowledge Space Theory to which 3 extensions are added to correct its weaknesses in a context of initial or lifelong training. The model is based on learning objectives and prerequisite relationships among them to produce multiple scenarios in a reasonable time. A survey of teachers shows a priori an acceptability of the model. We allow learner to co-construct his scenario during the learning. Co-construction results from the fact that the scenario must respect constraints defined by the teacher to avoid illogical choices that may lead to failure or even dropout. The learning process is based on the choice and change of objectives to achieve and activities to do. A survey of learners shows a priori acceptability of the model. The models are implemented as an integrable plugin in Moodle. An experiment with the teachers allowed them to detect inconsistencies and deficiencies in their courses. We observed a variety of scenarios built by the students.

Keywords : Support of learning, Learner-directed learning, Multi-scenario design, Co-construction of learning scenario, Knowledge Space Theory, Technology Enhanced Learning

Phd defence : 06/13/2019

Jury members :

Dominique LENNE.Professeur, Université de Technologie de Compiègne [Rapporteur]
Jean-Charles MARTY. Maître de Conférences, HDR, Université de Savoie Mont-Blanc [Rapporteur]
Patrick BRÉZILLON. Professeur Émérite. Sorbonne Université
Stéphanie JEAN-DAUBIAS. Professeur. Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1
Thibault CARRON. Maître de Conférences, HDR. Université de Savoie Mont-Blanc, IUT de Chambéry
François BOUCHET. Maître de Conférences, Sorbonne Université, Faculté des Sciences et Ingénierie

Departure date : 06/13/2019

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