PhD student at Sorbonne University
Team : ACASA

Supervision : Jean-Gabriel GANASCIA

Automatic Annotation of Similes in Literary Texts

This thesis tackles the problem of the automatic recognition of similes in literary texts written in English or in French and proposes a framework to describe them from a stylistic perspective. For the purpose of this study, a simile has been defined as a syntactic structure that draws a parallel between at least two entities, lacks compositionality and is able to create an image in the receiver’s mind.
Three main points differentiate the proposed approach from existing ones: it is strongly influenced by cognitive and linguistic theories on similes and comparisons, it takes into consideration a wide range of markers and it can adapt to diverse syntactic scenarios. Concretely speaking, it relies on three interconnected modules:

  • a syntactic module, which extracts potential simile candidates and identifies their components using grammatical roles and a set of handcrafted rules,
  • a semantic module which separates creative similes from both idiomatic similes and literal comparisons based on the salience of the ground and semantic similarity computed from data automatically retrieved from machine-readable dictionaries;
  • and an annotation module which makes use of the XML format and gives among others information on the type of comparisons (idiomatic, perceptual...) and on the semantic categories used.
Finally, the two annotation tasks we designed show that the automatic detection of figuration in similes must take into considerationFinally, the two annotation tasks we designed show that the automatic detection of figuration in similes must take into consideration a series of features among which salience, categorisation and the sentence syntax.

Defence : 10/03/2016

Jury members :

M. Stéphane Ferrari, Maître de conférences [HDR], Université de Caen [Rapporteur]
M. Walter Daelemans, Professeur, Universiteit Antwerpen [Rapporteur]
Mme Catherine Fuchs, Directrice de recherche, LATTICE-CNRS
M. Jean-Gabriel Ganascia, Professeur, UPMC
M. Dominique Legallois, Professeur, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle
Mme Vanda Luengo, Professeur, UPMC

Departure date : 10/03/2016

2015-2017 Publications